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[ rag-ing ] / ˈræg ɪŋ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR ragging ON THESAURUS.COM
noun Metalworking.(in the rolls of a rolling mill) corrugations affording a grip on a piece being roughed. Origin of raggingrag3 + -ing1 Words nearby raggingragged edge, ragged jacket, ragged robin, ragged school, raggedy, ragging, raggle, raggle-taggle, ragi, raglan, raglan sleeve Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for raggingThey nearly slung old Dhurrah-bags and me out of the Service in '85 for ragging.' A Diversity of Creatures|Rudyard Kipling No one more than he enjoys my ragging him like this—and I do it rather well. The Journal of a Disappointed Man|Wilhelm Nero Pilate Barbellion "Now you two—no ragging," the young man with the red face reproved them, who was marking. The Voyage Out|Virginia Woolf Hypatia won't have the chance of ragging you now—she and Miss Trotter have had a bit of a breeze. The Travelling Companions|F. Anstey
Words related to raggingadmonition, censure, rebuke, banter, quip, laugh, joke, bother, tease, pretend, delude, taunt, scoff, lampoon, deride, scorn, mock, humiliate, belittle, ridicule |