verb (used with object),ac·cu·mu·lat·ed,ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.
to gather or collect, often in gradual degrees; heap up: to accumulate wealth.
verb (used without object),ac·cu·mu·lat·ed,ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.
to gather into a heap, mass, cover, etc.; form a steadily increasing quantity: Snow accumulated in the driveway. His debts kept on accumulating.
Origin of accumulate
1520–30; <Latin accumulātus heaped up (past participle of accumulāre), equivalent to ac-ac- + cumul(us) heap + -ātus-ate1
ac·cu·mu·la·ble,adjectivenon·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing,adjectiveo·ver·ac·cu·mu·late,verb,o·ver·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed,o·ver·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.pre·ac·cu·mu·late,verb (used with object),pre·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed,pre·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.
re·ac·cu·mu·late,verb,re·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed,re·ac·cu·mu·lat··per·ac·cu·mu·late,verb (used without object),su·per·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed,su·per·ac·cu·mu·lat·ing.un·ac·cu·mu·la·ble,adjectiveun·ac·cu·mu·lat·ed,adjectivewell-ac·cu·mu·lat·ed,adjective
A lot of restaurants are accumulating debt via loans or depleting whatever funds they have left, the hole is going to be too big to get out of which will result in many more restaurant doors closing.
Is the Government Just Going to Watch the Restaurant Industry Die?|Elazar Sontag|August 28, 2020|Eater
Some sought thousands of dollars in unpaid rent that had accumulated over months.
She Was Sued Over Rent She Didn’t Owe. It Took Seven Court Dates to Prove She Was Right.|by Danielle Ohl, Capital Gazette, and Talia Buford and Beena Raghavendran, ProPublica|August 25, 2020|ProPublica
To learn how much ice is accumulated and how much of it slides off the continent, scientists set up special survey stakes….
50 years ago, scientists clocked the speed of Antarctic ice|Maria Temming|August 20, 2020|Science News
Officers who accumulate such complaints should be watched closely, re-trained or encouraged to seek other employment.
An Officer’s Word Shouldn’t Be the Last Word|Andrew Taylor|August 19, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Amazon and Roku have each accumulated user bases of more than 40 million households, and Roku has built up its platform business to the point that it makes more money from selling ads and subscriptions than from selling devices.
Shut out of Fire TV and Roku, Peacock is the latest example of the arrival power moves to streaming|Tim Peterson|July 15, 2020|Digiday
Bolstered by the momentum of Savage, Masters continued to accumulate up-and-coming conservative talent.
The Godfather of Right-Wing Radio|Caitlin Dickson|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This means that their gene pools stagnate and accumulate increasingly harmful mutations.
Our Taste for Cheap Palm Oil Is Killing Chimpanzees|Carrie Arnold|July 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
To accumulate wealth so fast and on such a scale, it is necessary to eliminate independent law enforcement.
Ukraine’s Revolutionary Lesson for Russia|David Satter|March 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Until early November it was very easy to accumulate a large amount of money by selling, and re-selling highly modified cars.
My Secret Life in Los Santos|Eli Lake|November 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
I suspect that the answer was not to just accumulate victory points.
Tammany Hall: the Game Where You Play as a New York City Ward Boss|Noah Kristula-Green|May 4, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Mr. Garland's family claimed so much of my attention—in fact, I supported them—that I was not able to accumulate anything.
Behind the Scenes|Elizabeth Keckley
What do you suppose we'd be doin' with that surplus we'd accumulate?
The Great American Pie Company|Ellis Parker Butler
More dominant, however, as the weeks passed and the branding went on, became the desire to accumulate property—cattle.
Lonesome Land|B. M. Bower
The dogs at home are neat little fellows, and allow no litter to accumulate around their doors.
My Native Land|James Cox
But to accumulate, or to use capital to any considerable extent, the combination of labor is necessary.
Cotton is King and The Pro-Slavery Arguments|Various
British Dictionary definitions for accumulate
/ (əˈkjuːmjʊˌleɪt) /
to gather or become gathered together in an increasing quantity; amass; collect