They temporarily put aside the gradual accumulation of undergraduate math and skipped ahead to the vanguard of the field.
Building the Mathematical Library of the Future|Kevin Hartnett|October 1, 2020|Quanta Magazine
We can build shielding that accounts for a changing environment, but not even the best models for future debris accumulation can predict everything.
Astronauts on the ISS are hunting for the source of another mystery air leak|Neel Patel|September 30, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The extremely slow accumulation of organic material and other sediments in this region does allow oxygen in the water to seep deep into the sediments.
These ancient seafloor microbes woke up after over 100 million years|Carolyn Gramling|July 28, 2020|Science News
They go to work every day not assuming that the accumulation of their labor will one day lead to a promotion.
A former student of “growth mindset” scholar Carol Dweck has identified a new mindset for success|Lila MacLellan|July 27, 2020|Quartz
And if you go through enough of it, this accumulation comes to be your calling card of wisdom.
It’s Not Just the Vaccines. Jenny McCarthy’s New Book Offers More ‘Lessons’|Tim Teeman|April 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In both countries, the rulers place the accumulation of wealth far ahead of the welfare of the nation.
Ukraine’s Revolutionary Lesson for Russia|David Satter|March 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“We think it was the accumulation [of hits],” says his mother Kristin.
Friday Night Lights Out: The Concussion Debate Hits the Texas Youth Leagues|Pete Freedman|October 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Democratic politics are the accumulation of a great many small decisions and actions that will accrue to what seems a big picture.
Buckley, Birchers, Tea and the Fringe|Justin Green|December 5, 2012|DAILY BEAST
This makes no sense if the goal is accumulation of human capital.
Are We Paying Too Much for Higher Education?|Megan McArdle|September 10, 2012|DAILY BEAST
That there shall be accumulation of former labour, or Capital.
Knowledge is Power:|Charles Knight
Recently, too, owing to the establishment of a banking system, accumulation in private money became possible.
The Woman Who Vowed|Ellison Harding
In one place there was an accumulation of dirt a couple of feet thick.
Memoirs of Leonora Christina|Leonora Christina Ulfeldt
But I must leave my papers, the accumulation of twenty-five years, comprising thousands of letters from predestined rebels.
A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital|John Beauchamp Jones
He heard in a profound ancient male unfamiliar melody the accumulation of the past.
Ulysses|James Joyce
British Dictionary definitions for accumulation
/ (əˌkjuːmjʊˈleɪʃən) /
the act or process of collecting together or becoming collected
something that has been collected, gathered, heaped, etc
the continuous growth of capital by retention of interest or earnings
(in computing the yield on a bond purchased at a discount) the amount that is added to each yield to bring the cost of the bond into equality with its par value over its lifeCompare amortization (def. 2)
the taking of a first and an advanced university degree simultaneously