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[ kom-uhn-dan-tee; Spanish, Italian kaw-mahn-dahn-te ] / ˌkɒm ənˈdæn ti; Spanish, Italian ˌkɔ mɑnˈdɑn tɛ /
noun, plural co·man·dan·tes [kom-uhn-dan-teez; Spanish kaw-mahn-dahn-tes], /ˌkɒm ənˈdæn tiz; Spanish ˌkɔ mɑnˈdɑn tɛs/, Italian co·man·dan·ti [kaw-mahn-dahn-tee]. /ˌkɔ mɑnˈdɑn ti/. Origin of comandante<Spanish, Italian Words nearby comandantecomal, co-manage, Comanche, Comanchean, comanchero, comandante, Comaneci, coma scale, comate, comatic, comatose Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for comandanteSo imagine the commotion when Venezuelans recently heard a recording of the Comandante himself, seemingly back from the grave. Venezuela’s Audio Hoax Sees Chavez Speaking From the Grave|Mac Margolis|October 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST Michael Moynihan collects five of the dumbest love letters to the departed Venezuelan comandante. The Stupidest Hugo Chávez Hagiographies From the Yanquis Who Loved Him|Michael Moynihan|March 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST The fatherland is a shambles, Bolivarian socialism has failed, and Comandante Chávez is dead. Hugo Chávez Dead at 58: Good Riddance!|Michael Moynihan|March 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST The Yankee Comandante David Grann, The New Yorker A story of love, revolution, and betrayal. The Daily Beast’s Best Longreads of 2012|David Sessions|December 28, 2012|DAILY BEAST
But after 14 years in power, can the 58-year-old comandante stay healthy enough to push ahead with his Bolivarian revolution? After the Presidential Election, a Tough Road for Hugo Chávez|Mac Margolis|October 9, 2012|DAILY BEAST The only rejoinder uttered by the Comandante was a fierce “Carrajo!” The White Chief|Mayne Reid Slight as it was, it reached the ear of the Comandante, who wheeled suddenly round, and started at the sight of the intruder. The White Chief|Mayne Reid The Comandante with Roblado and the lieutenant figured at the fandango in full uniform. The White Chief|Mayne Reid The Comandante pledges himself, as a hidalgo, that you shall not be harmed. The Crusade of the Excelsior|Bret Harte The dog was now silent, but the Comandante, as he sat in his saddle, heard a derisive laugh within the rancho. The White Chief|Mayne Reid