

单词 aceh

Example sentences from the Web for Aceh

  • Mobil was extracting as much as a quarter of its profits from Aceh.

    Steve Coll on ExxonMobil’s Sinister Kingdom and ‘Private Empire’|Jimmy So|May 6, 2012|DAILY BEAST
  • A reforming Indonesia that nonetheless was ruthless in Aceh, for instance.

    The U.S. Cannot Confront China on Every Move it Disagrees With|Zachary Karabell|May 5, 2012|DAILY BEAST
  • For example, the long-running insurgency in Aceh, home to the country's most zealous Islamists, has drawn to a close.

    This, Too, Shall Pass|Reihan Salam|July 18, 2009|DAILY BEAST


/ (ˈaːtʃeɪ) /


an autonomous region of N Indonesia, in N Sumatra; mountainous with rain forests; scene of separatist conflict since the later 1990s; coastal areas suffered badly in the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004. Capital: Banda Aceh. Pop: 3 930 905 (2000). Area: 55 392 sq km (21 381 sq miles)

Words nearby Aceh

-acea, -aceae, Ace bandage, acebutolol, acedia, Aceh, ace-high, Acehnese, ACE inhibitor, ace in the hole, ace it
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