one of a body of armed guards who patrol a region.
(initial capital letter) a U.S. soldier in World War II specially trained for making surprise raids and attacks in small groups.Compare commando (def. 1).
a soldier specially trained in the techniques of guerrilla warfare, especially in jungle terrain.
a person who ranges or roves.
(especially in Texas) a member of the state police.
British. a keeper of a royal forest or park.
Building Trades. wale1 (def. 5).
(initial capital letter) one of a series of instrumented U.S. space probes launched in the 1960s that transmitted closeup pictures of the moon before impacting the lunar surface.
Origin of ranger
Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at range, -er1
Words nearby ranger
range of accommodation, range of stability, range oil, range paralysis, range pole, ranger, range table, rangi, ranging pole, rangiora, Rangoon
In August, The Seattle Times reported that rangers had to bury 200 turds and TP piles in one week in the Enchantments wilderness.
National Parks are logging record crowds. Here’s how to visit safely.|Ula Chrobak|October 15, 2020|Popular Science
Though the pandemic and canceled ranger tours initially botched my plans, I took refuge in a quieter, more self-guided experience at Mesa Verde, one that allowed my history-loving imagination to roam freely.
Travel Back in Time at Mesa Verde|Emily Pennington|September 27, 2020|Outside Online
The park enlisted TJ Atsye, a ranger and member of the Laguna Pueblo Tribe, to narrate the self-guided driving and walking tour of the Mesa Top Loop Road.
Travel Back in Time at Mesa Verde|Emily Pennington|September 27, 2020|Outside Online
But Virunga is not Yellowstone, and Ranger Rick would be no match for the threats facing national parks here.
A Belgian Prince, Gorillas, Guerrillas & the Future of the Congo|Nina Strochlic|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“We are competing with a Park Ranger AMA,” reassured one aide.
Can New York Democrat Zephyr Teachout Stop Governor Andrew Cuomo?|David Freedlander|August 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“We did mourn,” ranger Yaya Mburanumwe says of the recent deaths.
Can Gorillas Save the Democratic Republic of the Congo?|Nina Strochlic|April 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST