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[ ras-kuh-lee ] / ˈræs kə li / SEE SYNONYMS FOR rascally ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivebeing, characteristic of, or befitting a rascal. Origin of rascallyFirst recorded in 1590–1600; rascal + -ly Words nearby rascallyRas Addar, rasbora, RASC, rascal, rascality, rascally, rascasse, Ras Dashan, rase, rash, rasher Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for rascally“Christopher is irreverent and funny and rascally,” he said. Christopher Plummer's Depths|Lorenza Muñoz|June 2, 2011|DAILY BEAST But Twain is the Peter Pan of American literature, the rascally lost boy who never gets old. What Made Twain Famous|Nathaniel Rich|April 20, 2010|DAILY BEAST She suffers like that, then, over a rascally fellow not worth a single tear. Cleek, the Master Detective|Thomas W. Hanshew Bodmilcar was his name; and a rascally set of scamps he brought. The Adventures of Captain Mago|Lon Cahun
He's a rascally clerk in the office, and precious useful, I dare swear. Rhoda Fleming, Complete|George Meredith Both men laughed heartily, as if Kelly's rascally act had been the most amusing thing in the world. The Girl Aviators' Motor Butterfly|Margaret Burnham On our way up he gave me a brief account of how he had got his cousins out of that rascally governors yamen. With the Allies to Pekin|George Alfred Henty
British Dictionary definitions for rascally
adjectivedishonest or mean; base archaic (esp of places) wretchedly unpleasant; miserable adverbin a dishonest or mean fashion Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to rascallynaughty, impish, sly, rude, malicious, playful, rowdy, mischievous, headstrong, wicked, off-color, racy, coarse, bawdy, lewd, foul-mouthed, devilish, misleading, deceptive, deceitful |