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[ kuhn-fahyd ] / kənˈfaɪd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR confide ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used without object), con·fid·ed, con·fid·ing.to impart secrets trustfully; discuss private matters or problems (usually followed by in): She confides in no one but her husband. to have full trust; have faith: They confided in their own ability. verb (used with object), con·fid·ed, con·fid·ing.to tell in assurance of secrecy: He confided all his plans to her. to entrust; commit to the charge or knowledge of another: She confided her jewelry to her sister. Origin of confide1625–35; <Latin confīdere, equivalent to con-con- + fīdere to trust, akin to foedus;see confederate, fidelity SYNONYMS FOR confide3 disclose, reveal, divulge, impart. SEE SYNONYMS FOR confide ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM confidecon·fid·er, nounpre·con·fide, verb, pre·con·fid·ed, pre·con·fid·ing.un·con·fid·ed, adjectivewell-con·fid·ed, adjectiveWords nearby confideConfessions of an English Opium Eater, confessor, confetti, confidant, confidante, confide, confidence, confidence game, confidence interval, confidence level, confidence limits Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for confideThe Guardian said it was able to corroborate her account with several people in whom she had confided about the alleged incident. Sexual misconduct allegations are playing out just like they did in 2016—even after the #MeToo movement|reymashayekhi|September 22, 2020|Fortune And so some savvy digital media folks have come up with an older, more professional, more discreet version of Snapchat: Confide. Confide Is the Best Way to Keep Your Dastardly Deeds Hidden—For Now|Daniel Gross|January 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST If Anthony Weiner had used Confide instead of Twitter to send photos of his package, he might still have a political career. Confide Is the Best Way to Keep Your Dastardly Deeds Hidden—For Now|Daniel Gross|January 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST “The fact is you are my very best friend, I tell you everything, I confide in you, I seek your advice,” she wrote. Prosecutors Allege Affair Between Rebekah Brooks And Andy Coulson|Peter Jukes, Nico Hines|October 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST
His only company to confide in was the vermin in the street. Facebook Post By Chardon Ohio High School Shooting Suspect T.J. Lane||February 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST They were also loners, with few people, even in their own families, in whom they could confide. Oprah Disses a Civil-Rights Icon|David Margolick|October 28, 2011|DAILY BEAST So I confide this to nobody but yourself and trusted friends like you. Autobiographical Reminiscences with Family Letters and Notes on Music|Charles Gounod In the meantime Raikes decided to confide his misfortune to no one. The Flaw in the Sapphire|Charles M. Snyder You will hand him this letter, a copy of which I confide to each of you. The Exploits Of Brigadier Gerard|Arthur Conan Doyle As to Mycroft, I had to confide in him in order to obtain the money which I needed. The Return of Sherlock Holmes|Arthur Conan Doyle You were to confide freely in me, and I will confide freely in you. Bleak House|Charles Dickens
British Dictionary definitions for confide
verb(usually foll by in; when tr, may take a clause as object) to disclose (secret or personal matters) in confidence (to); reveal in private (to) (intr foll by in) to have complete trust (tr) to entrust into another's keeping Derived forms of confideconfider, nounWord Origin for confideC15: from Latin confīdere, from fīdere to trust; related to Latin foedus treaty Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to confidedisclose, reveal, whisper, confess, impart, admit, suggest, hand over, breathe, intimate, hint, insinuate, buzz, tell, commend, relegate, bestow, consign, charge, delegate |