something that confirms, as a corroborative statement or piece of evidence: His birth certificate served as confirmation of his citizenship.
a rite administered to baptized persons, in some churches as a sacrament for confirming and strengthening the recipient in the Christian faith, in others as a rite without sacramental character by which the recipient is admitted to full communion with the church.
a solemn ceremony among Reform and certain Conservative Jews that is held in the synagogue, usually on Shavuoth, to admit formally as adult members of the Jewish community Jewish boys and girls 14 to 16 years of age who have successfully completed a prescribed course of study in Judaism.
Origin of confirmation
1275–1325; Middle English <Latin confirmātiōn- stem of confirmātiō.See confirm, -ation
Your Disrupt ticket number on your Bizzabo registration confirmation email is your key to access the platform.
A user’s guide to Disrupt 2020|Emma Comeau|September 11, 2020|TechCrunch
She quickly scans all of them, looking for confirmation on starting the project.
SEO proposals: Particular challenges and how to avoid getting a silent no|SEOmonitor|September 10, 2020|Search Engine Watch
It also adds a layer of protection against cognitive biases like confirmation bias.
The “career-making” question that will help you make better decisions|Walter Frick|September 6, 2020|Quartz
We will send confirmations to the first 100 people who sign up.
Next on MarTech Live: A look at agile marketing|Kathy Bushman|September 3, 2020|Search Engine Land
I had the opportunity to talk with him before his confirmation process.
Will a Covid-19 Vaccine Change the Future of Medical Research? (Ep. 430)|Stephen J. Dubner|August 27, 2020|Freakonomics
But confirmation of that time frame has also been hard to come by.
Is This Alexander the Great’s Tomb—or His Wife’s?|James Romm|December 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The news is being taken as confirmation that Kate is fully recovered from her pregnancy sickness.
Why Prince George Won't Be Coming To NY and DC With Will And Kate|Tom Sykes|November 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I would have been delighted to shock any confirmation hearing with explicit and shocking stories.
Gay Activist David Mixner: I Mercy Killed 8 People|Tim Teeman|October 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Murthy had his Senate confirmation hearings in February, but since then?
Where the Hell Is the Surgeon General?|Roland S. Martin|October 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I had decided not to receive my Confirmation, and had guilt dreams about it but, deep down, felt my decision was the right one.
When Gary Wright Met George Harrison: Dream Weaver, John and Yoko, and More|Gary Wright|September 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Bizarre as this interpretation looks, we shall find some confirmation of such a possibility in our chapter on Possession.
Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death|Frederick W. H. Myers
He paused and looked at Butler for confirmation of what he had just said.
The Financier|Theodore Dreiser
Domitian had expected a denial from the courtier, not a confirmation of the facts.
Quintus Claudius, Volume 2 of 2|Ernst Eckstein
It shall But haste the confirmation of our loves, And ripen the delights of marriage, Seleucus.
Beaumont & Fletcher's Works (8 of 10)|Francis Beaumont
Confirmation of this latter statement occurs in our subsequent conversation.
Literary Shrines|Theodore F. Wolfe
British Dictionary definitions for confirmation
/ (ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃən) /
the act of confirming
something that confirms; verification
a rite in several Christian churches that confirms a baptized person in his or her faith and admits him or her to full participation in the church
(in the philosophy of science) the relationship between an observation and the theory which it supposedly renders more probableCompare hypothetico-deductive