[ ree-al -i-tee ] SHOW IPA
noun, plural re·al·i·ties for 3, 5-7 . the state or quality of being real.
resemblance to what is real.
a real thing or fact.
real things, facts, or events taken as a whole; state of affairs: the reality of the business world; vacationing to escape reality.
Philosophy . something that exists independently of ideas concerning it. something that exists independently of all other things and from which all other things derive. something that is real.
something that constitutes a real or actual thing, as distinguished from something that is merely apparent.
SEE MORE SEE LESS adjective noting or pertaining to a TV program or film that portrays nonactors interacting or competing with each other in real but contrived situations, allegedly without a script: a popular reality show; reality TV.
Idioms for realityin reality , in fact or truth; actually: brave in appearance, but in reality a coward.
Origin of reality From the Medieval Latin word reālitās, dating back to 1540–50. See real1 , -ity
OTHER WORDS FROM reality an·ti·re·al·i·ty, adjective non·re·al·i·ty, noun, plural non·re·al·i·ties. pro·re·al·i·ty, noun Words nearby reality realignment, real income, realism, realist, realistic, reality , reality awareness, reality-based, reality check, reality fiction, reality principle
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for reality Second, the recent surge looks relatively large compared to the spring spike — but in reality , it’s probably smaller.
The new Covid-19 case surge in Europe, explained | Julia Belluz| September 17, 2020| Vox
In the 1940s, trailblazing physicists stumbled upon the next layer of reality .
How Mathematical ‘Hocus-Pocus’ Saved Particle Physics | Charlie Wood| September 17, 2020| Quanta Magazine
It’s still a ways off, but if companies like Wildtype can make their vision a reality , people, animals, and the planet will all be better off for it.
This Startup Is Growing Sushi-Grade Salmon From Cells in a Lab | Vanessa Bates Ramirez| September 16, 2020| Singularity Hub
The reality , though, can flower into all kinds of weirdness.
Making Poly Less of a Pain in the Ass | Eugene Robinson| September 14, 2020| Ozy
In many ways, it feels like Americans increasingly live in two different realities.
Political rhetoric may impact your hurricane preparedness | Ula Chrobak| September 11, 2020| Popular Science
But if Democrats are faced with the reality of a glut of qualified candidates, Republicans are assembling more of a fantasy team.
The Golden State Preps for the ‘Red Wedding’ of Senate Races | David Freedlander| January 9, 2015| DAILY BEAST
That is a reality that still eats at Grace Castro and Yvonne Lozoya.
An Informant, a Missing American, and Juarez’s House of Death: Inside the 12-Year Cold Case of David Castro | Bill Conroy| January 6, 2015| DAILY BEAST
His hero, Bruce Springsteen, is a gazillionaire, but he still manages to come across as a regular guy, so perception is reality .
Will Chris Christie Regret His Cowboy Hug? | Matt Lewis| January 5, 2015| DAILY BEAST
He was a dreamer, an idealist, grounded in the reality he observed around him.
Mario Cuomo, Always Moving Us Toward the Light | Mike Barnicle| January 4, 2015| DAILY BEAST
I mean, the reality of it was, I had to go out and get on a horse, and ride in, shoot the gun — how hard was that, right?
The Story Behind Lee Marvin’s Liberty Valance Smile | Robert Ward| January 3, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Only it is myself who make the answers, and they are not half so182 sweet as they would be in reality .
The Eternal City | Hall Caine
Liberty commensurate and identical with Order,—this is the only reality of government and politics.
Anarchism and Socialism | George Plechanoff
Take as examples the poems Elvire (which is in reality addressed to Graziella) and Sapho.
Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature, Vol. III (of 6) The Reaction in France | Georg Brandes
It is a new construction of reality which may serve either as subject or as predicate in future judgments.
Studies in Logical Theory | John Dewey
It is therefore this friction, or what is so termed here, which makes that which appears easy in War difficult in reality .
On War | Carl von Clausewitz
British Dictionary definitions for reality noun plural -ties the state of things as they are or appear to be, rather than as one might wish them to be
something that is real
the state of being real
philosophy that which exists, independent of human awareness the totality of facts as they are independent of human awareness of them See also conceptualism Compare appearance (def. 6) in reality actually; in fact
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to reality phenomenon, matter, truth, existence, real world, sensibility, realism, presence, being, materiality, entity, authenticity, deed, perceptibility, verisimilitude, tangibility, palpability, actuality, solidity, object
Medical definitions for reality n. The quality or state of being actual or true.
The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence.
That which exists objectively and in fact.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.