They are a part of a pattern of growing fire risk, emerging from a confluence of factors exacerbated by humans, spanning from ignitions to urban planning to forest management to climate change.
“Unprecedented”: What’s behind the California, Oregon, and Washington wildfires|Umair Irfan|September 11, 2020|Vox
While that strange confluence of events may have surprised many, it didn’t surprise Lyric Jain, a 24-year-old, Cambridge-educated engineer who lives in the United Kingdom.
He’s Fighting QAnon With Sunlight|Nick Fouriezos|September 6, 2020|Ozy
Still, thanks to a confluence of events — from a battering of the broader retail industry to the runaway growth of Amazon specifically — both big and small fulfillment centers are beginning to spring up and fast.
That Whole Foods is an Amazon warehouse; get used to it|Connie Loizos|September 4, 2020|TechCrunch
Then overnight, the confluence of two potent forces shrank what looked like a long timetable.
First he took energy trading and the NYSE electronic. Now Jeff Sprecher of ICE shares his plans to digitize your mortgage|Shawn Tully|September 2, 2020|Fortune
For the publishing industry, this confluence of disruption has had a massive impact of on advertising revenue.
Digiday Research: 74% of publishers have seen ad CPMs drop|Shareen Pathak|June 15, 2020|Digiday
Near the confluence of these two rivers a tiny bridge spans the gap connecting the Korengal with the Pech.
Heart of Darkness: Into Afghanistan’s Taliban Valley|Matt Trevithick, Daniel Seckman|November 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It may have been a confluence of factors, but going bald eagle became not so much a choice as an expectation.
Waxing: Damned if You Do and Damned if You Don’t: How Pubic Hair Became Political|Emily Shire|April 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A confluence of events so seemingly magical made for a mostly charmed film shoot.
‘Inside Llewyn Davis’ Star Oscar Isaac Is About to Be a Very Big Deal|Kevin Fallon|December 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
In honor of the confluence of Memorial Day and Shavuot, Open Zion is taking the day off.
Happy Holidays||May 28, 2012|DAILY BEAST
One aspect of how bad the Middle East could get this year lies in the confluence of events in Syria and Iraq.
The Revolt in Syria Could Easily Spread to Other Middle East Countries|Kenneth M. Pollack|January 31, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The part we crossed was about a mile from the confluence, and, as it was now flooded, it seemed upward of half a mile in breadth.
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa|David Livingstone
Bidding farewell to Sekeletu, the doctor and his attendants sailed down the river to its confluence with the Chobe.
Great African Travellers|W.H.G. Kingston
Supplied with water by the pools in the Podébodé, we again joined the Zambesi at the confluence of the rivulet.
A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries|David Livingstone
Near the confluence of the Apure with the Orinoco is the town of Caicara, with a population of six or seven hundred souls.
Up the Orinoco and down the Magdalena|H. J. Mozans
He reversed his course and made for the confluence of the Orange and the Vaal.
A Handbook of the Boer War|Gale and Polden, Limited