anything composed of heterogeneous materials or elements.
a corporation consisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition.
Geology. a rock consisting of pebbles or the like embedded in a finer cementing material; consolidated gravel.
gathered into a rounded mass; consisting of parts so gathered; clustered.
consisting of heterogeneous parts or elements.
of or relating to a corporate conglomerate.
Geology. of the nature of a conglomerate.
verb (used with object),con·glom·er·at·ed,con·glom·er·at·ing.
to bring together into a cohering mass.
to gather into a ball or rounded mass.
verb (used without object),con·glom·er·at·ed,con·glom·er·at·ing.
to collect or cluster together.
(of a company) to become part of or merge with a conglomerate.
Origin of conglomerate
1565–75; <Latin conglomerātus (past participle of conglomerāre), equivalent to con-con- + glomer- (stem of glomus) ball of yarn + -ātus-ate1
Meanwhile, bigger players in the ad-supported streaming space, such as the CTV platforms and media conglomerates, are becoming less interoperable, fragmenting the marketplace and frustrating advertisers.
The streaming wars have escalated over turf grabs|Tim Peterson|August 26, 2020|Digiday
Unlike other tech conglomerates, the Redmond, WA-based software company is known more for its B2B sales than consumer businesses.
‘Deal of a decade’: How buying TikTok could transform Microsoft|Lance Lambert|August 25, 2020|Fortune
So it was companies like American conglomerate Cisco, Finnish telecom giant Nokia, Canada’s Nortel networks that were all enlisted to help work on different parts of the project.
Eager to cash in, Western companies including American conglomerate Cisco, Finnish telecom giant Nokia, and Canada’s Nortel Networks worked with the agency on different parts of the project.
Inside China’s unexpected quest to protect data privacy|Tate Ryan-Mosley|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Physicists think they have detected the first conglomerate of four quarks incorporating more than two of the same kind.
This is the first known particle with four of the same kind of quark|Maria Temming|July 7, 2020|Science News
And that conglomerate also owns nearly 70 percent of the Rossing uranium mine in Namibia.
McCain Helps a Business Partner of Iran|Ben Jacobs|November 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A major backer for one Britton Holdings investment is a Chinese conglomerate active in the energy sector.
Jeb Bush’s Risky Business|Patricia Murphy|July 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We already saw what happens to him when a conglomerate attempts to give him massive amounts of money.
Dave Chappelle’s Triumphant Return to New York City|Alex Suskind|June 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Under his tenure, BP also gained access to Russian oil reserves with the creation of the conglomerate TNK-BP.
BP, Putin, and the Power of Oil|Tim Teeman|March 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He wants the conglomerate to spin off its entertainment business to liberate what he views as locked-up financial value.
Japan’s Fiscal Crossroads: Will Abenomics Mean Tougher Changes?|Daniel Gross|July 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Alas for tapestry weaving of to-day, the usual modern cartoon is a staring anachronism, and a conglomerate of modes.
The Tapestry Book|Helen Churchill Candee
At the height of a few hundred feet above the plain, patches of conglomerate adhered in several places to the solid rock.
A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World|Charles Darwin
In nearly all parts of the world the Permian presents thick beds of red sandstone and conglomerate as marked ingredients.
The Story of the Earth and Man|J. W. Dawson
America has gained much by being the conglomerate country that she is, made up of a commingling of the blood of other races.
Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z|Various
The rest is conglomerate, and one or two lines show a more Northern origin.
Army Life in a Black Regiment|Thomas Wentworth Higginson
British Dictionary definitions for conglomerate
noun (kənˈɡlɒmərɪt)
a thing composed of heterogeneous elements; mass
any coarse-grained sedimentary rock consisting of rounded fragments of rock embedded in a finer matrixCompare agglomerate (def. 3)
a large corporation consisting of a group of companies dealing in widely diversified goods, services, etc
verb (kənˈɡlɒməˌreɪt)
to form into a cluster or mass
adjective (kənˈɡlɒmərɪt)
made up of heterogeneous elements; massed
(of sedimentary rocks) consisting of rounded fragments within a finer matrix
Word Origin for conglomerate
C16: from Latin conglomerāre to roll up, from glomerāre to wind into a ball, from glomus ball of thread
A coarse-grained sedimentary rock consisting of round rock fragments cemented together by hardened silt, clay, calcium carbonate, or a similar material. The fragments (known as clasts) have a diameter of at least 2 mm (0.08 inches), vary in composition and origin, and may include pebbles, cobbles, boulders, or fossilized seashells. Conglomerates often form through the transportation and deposition of sediments by streams, alluvial fans, and glaciers.