[ kuh n-grach -uh -leyt or, often , -graj -, kuh ng- ] SHOW IPA
/ kənˈgrætʃ əˌleɪt or, often , -ˈgrædʒ-, kəŋ- / PHONETIC RESPELLING
verb (used with object), con·grat·u·lat·ed, con·grat·u·lat·ing. to express pleasure to (a person), as on a happy occasion: They congratulated him on his marriage.
Archaic . to express sympathetic joy or satisfaction at (an event).
Obsolete . to salute.
Origin of congratulate 1540–50; <Latin congrātulātus, past participle of congrātulārī. See congratulant, -ate1
OTHER WORDS FROM congratulate con·grat·u·la·tor, noun pre·con·grat·u·late, verb (used with object), pre·con·grat·u·lat·ed, pre·con·grat·u·lat·ing. un·con·grat·u·lat·ed, adjective un·con·grat·u·lat·ing, adjective Words nearby congratulate Congo River, congo snake, congou, congrats, congratulant, congratulate , congratulation, congratulations, congratulatory, congregant, congregate
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for congratulate The game stopped and congratulate d you once you had guessed the secret word.
Can You Save Some Cold Pizza? | Zach Wissner-Gross| September 25, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
The game stops and congratulate s you when you have guessed the secret word.
Can You Break A Very Expensive Centrifuge? | Zach Wissner-Gross| September 18, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
The president inaccurately congratulate d the bank for ordering everyone back.
Goldman Sachs sends traders home after positive COVID-19 case in Manhattan office | kdunn6| September 18, 2020| Fortune
Yet again another set of reviewers immediately called the team to congratulate them on their “revolutionary work.”
The Neurons That Appeared from Nowhere - Issue 89: The Dark Side | Nayanah Siva| September 2, 2020| Nautilus
My beef is not with Jolie, whom I congratulate on her work, and admire as human being simply trying to do a little bit of good.
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Other times I would say how wonderful it was to see him, and congratulate him on all the success that had come his way.
How Mork Melted the Fonz: Henry Winkler Recalls Robin Williams’s Storming ‘Happy Days’ Debut | Tim Teeman| August 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The Miss Delaware Pageant is proud to congratulate Brittany and wishes Amanda the very best on her future endeavors.
24 Is Not Too “Old” to Compete for Miss America | Erin Cunningham| June 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
“I should congratulate Adriano for doing the best with what he had to work with,” Rangel said.
Charlie Rangel Dances On | Gideon Resnick| June 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
One day Ebadi arrived at the Ministry of Justice to congratulate the revolutionary officials who had taken power.
The Hijab Is Iran’s Most Cherished Weapon | IranWire| June 22, 2014| DAILY BEAST
However, so deep was the prince's passion for me, that very soon he began to congratulate himself on the change.
The Grey Fairy Book | Various
On the contrary, I sincerely admire you—and congratulate you!
The Romantic Lady | Michael Arlen
You seem to have weather both clear and warm, for which I congratulate you.
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He had reason to congratulate himself in having got outside the enclosure.
The Free Lances | Mayne Reid
He had no time to congratulate himself on his good fortune, for something stirred outside.
Voyage To Eternity | Milton Lesser
British Dictionary definitions for congratulate verb (tr) (usually foll by on) to communicate pleasure, approval, or praise to (a person or persons); compliment
(often foll by on) to consider (oneself) clever or fortunate (as a result of) she congratulated herself on her tact
obsolete to greet
Derived forms of congratulate congratulation , noun congratulator , noun congratulatory or congratulative , adjective Word Origin for congratulate C16: from Latin congrātulārī, from grātulārī to rejoice, from grātus pleasing
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to congratulate applaud, laud, praise, salute, felicitate, toast, stroke, bless, boost, gold star, hand it to, pat on back