a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event, etc.: the reason for declaring war.
a statement presented in justification or explanation of a belief or action: I dare you to give me one good reason for quitting school!
the mental powers concerned with forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences: Effective leadership requires a person of reason.
sound judgment; good sense.
normal or sound powers of mind; sanity.
Logic. a premise of an argument.
the faculty or power of acquiring intellectual knowledge, either by direct understanding of first principles or by argument.
the power of intelligent and dispassionate thought, or of conduct influenced by such thought.
Kantianism.the faculty by which the ideas of pure reason are created.
verb (used without object)
to think or argue in a logical manner.
to form conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises.
to urge reasons which should determine belief or action.
verb (used with object)
to think through logically, as a problem (often followed by out).
to conclude or infer.
to convince, persuade, etc., by reasoning.
to support with reasons.
Idioms for reason
bring (someone) to reason, to induce a change of opinion in (someone) through presentation of arguments; convince: The mother tried to bring her rebellious daughter to reason.
by reason of, on account of; because of: He was consulted about the problem by reason of his long experience.
in / within reason, in accord with reason; justifiable; proper: She tried to keep her demands in reason.
stand to reason, to be clear, obvious, or logical: With such an upbringing it stands to reason that the child will be spoiled.
with reason, with justification; properly: The government is concerned about the latest crisis, and with reason.
Origin of reason
1175–1225; Middle English resoun, reisun (noun) <Old French reisun, reson<Latin ratiōn- (stem of ratiō) ratio
1 purpose, end, aim, object, objective.
2 excuse, rationalization.
3 understanding, intellect, mind, intelligence.
10 persuade.
synonym study for reason
1. Reason,cause,motive are terms for a circumstance (or circumstances) which brings about or explains certain results. A reason is an explanation of a situation or circumstance which made certain results seem possible or appropriate: The reason for the robbery was the victim's display of his money. The cause is the way in which the circumstances produce the effect, that is, make a specific action seem necessary or desirable: The cause was the robber's extreme need of money. A motive is the hope, desire, or other force which starts the action (or an action) in an attempt to produce specific results: The motive was to get money to buy food for his family.
usage note for reason
The construction reason is because is criticized in a number of usage guides: The reason for the long delays was because the costs greatly exceeded the original estimates. One objection to this construction is based on its redundancy: the word because (literally, by cause ) contains within it the meaning of reason; thus saying the reason is because is like saying “The cause is by cause,” which would never be said. A second objection is based on the claim that because can introduce only adverbial clauses and that reason is requires completion by a noun clause. Critics would substitute that for because in the offending construction: The reason for the long delays in completing the project was that the costs. … Although the objections described here are frequently raised, reason is because is still common in almost all levels of speech and occurs often in edited writing as well. A similar charge of redundancy is made against the reason why, which is also a well-established idiom: The reason why the bill failed to pass was the defection of three key senators.
rea·son·er,nounnon·rea·son,nounnon·rea·son·er,nounoutreason,verb (used with object)
Words nearby reason
rearrange, rear sight, rearview mirror, rearward, Rea Silvia, reason, reasonable, Reason, Age of, reasoned, reasoning, reasonless
We have reason to believe these kinds of viruses spread better when it’s cold.
The new Covid-19 case surge in Europe, explained|Julia Belluz|September 17, 2020|Vox
Today, Feynman’s “dippy process” has become as ubiquitous in physics as calculus, and its mechanics reveal the reasons for some of the discipline’s greatest successes and its current challenges.
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There are a number of reasons why a particular virus might be more active during certain times of year.
COVID-19 may one day come and go like the flu, but we’re not there yet|Kate Baggaley|September 16, 2020|Popular Science
Comparing these results with 2016 exit polling is tricky for a few reasons.
The key shifts in Minnesota and Wisconsin that have improved Biden’s chances of victory|Philip Bump|September 16, 2020|Washington Post
One of the reasons for this behavior is that consumers who would ordinarily visit stores are buying online to avoid potential exposure to the virus.
Google boosting visibility of ‘nearby’ product inventory with new Shopping features|Greg Sterling|September 16, 2020|Search Engine Land
The reason we were liberals is we were against oppression.
Bill Maher: Hundreds of Millions of Muslims Support Attack on ‘Charlie Hebdo’|Lloyd Grove|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Yet, for god knows what reason, his name is never brought up in the “Great American Filmmaker” conversation.
Oscars 2015: The Daily Beast’s Picks, From Scarlett Johansson to ‘Boyhood’|Marlow Stern|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Whatever the reason, and however absurd their beliefs may seem, American evangelicals are deadly serious.
The Evangelical Apocalypse Is All Your Fault|Jay Michaelson|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
For this reason, it is called by scholars “postmillennialism.”
The Evangelical Apocalypse Is All Your Fault|Jay Michaelson|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
It may have been the reason why Goldwater beat Rockefeller by three points, and effectively sewed up the GOP nomination.
The World’s Toughest Political Quiz|Jeff Greenfield|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
What other reason could Dick have for the deception which he had practised upon us all?
The Mystery of the Hidden Room|Marion Harvey
That is the reason why the artist cannot teach it, why the pupil cannot learn it, and why the æsthetic critic can understand it.
Intentions|Oscar Wilde
In him, under every circumstance, we have every reason to be glad and to rejoice that we have him on our side.
Journal of a Residence at Bagdad|Anthony Groves
That is, no doubt, the reason why he would take their good advice and go.
Colonel Starbottle's Client and Other Stories|Bret Harte
Indeed, my dear Faulkland, my sister has reason for her fears.
Memoirs of Miss Sidney Biddulph|Frances Sheridan
British Dictionary definitions for reason
/ (ˈriːzən) /
the faculty of rational argument, deduction, judgment, etc
sound mind; sanity
a cause or motive, as for a belief, action, etc
an argument in favour of or a justification for something
philosophythe intellect regarded as a source of knowledge, as contrasted with experience
logicgrounds for a belief; a premise of an argument supporting that belief
by reason ofbecause of
in reasonorwithin reasonwithin moderate or justifiable bounds
it stands to reasonit is logical or obviousit stands to reason that he will lose
listen to reasonto be persuaded peaceably
reasons of Statepolitical justifications for an immoral act
(when tr, takes a clause as object)to think logically or draw (logical conclusions) from facts or premises
(intr usually foll by with) to urge or seek to persuade by reasoning
(tr often foll by out) to work out or resolve (a problem) by reasoning
Derived forms of reason
reasoner, noun
Word Origin for reason
C13: from Old French reisun, from Latin ratiō reckoning, from rērī to think
usage for reason
The expression the reason is because… should be avoided. Instead one should say either this is because… or the reason is that…
see by reason of; in reason; it stands to reason; listen to reason; lose one's mind (reason); rhyme or reason; see reason; stand to reason; with reason.