joined together in sequence; linked coherently: connected ideas.
related by family ties.
having social or professional relationships, especially with influential or powerful persons.
Mathematics. pertaining to a set for which no cover exists, consisting of two open sets whose intersections with the given set are disjoint and nonempty.
For the two partners, this new fund will be about staying connected to that certain startup feeling that is elusive for anyone trying to build something great.
With Goat Capital, Justin Kan and Robin Chan want to keep founding alongside the right teams|Eric Eldon|September 17, 2020|TechCrunch
Participants are able to stay connected and learn from their peers for as long as they like until they move up to the c-suite level and can graduate into Fortune’s other bottom-of-the-funnel conferences and franchises.
Fortune Connect is bringing its conference business to a larger audience, with a higher price tag|Kayleigh Barber|September 15, 2020|Digiday
Additionally, the streamer is not yet available on two of the biggest connected TV platforms, Amazon’s Fire TV and Roku.
WarnerMedia eyes spring debut for HBO Max’s ad-supported tier|Tim Peterson|September 10, 2020|Digiday
We can maximize their ability to feel connected and empowered.
How nonprofits are catering to millennials and rethinking the charity gala for younger generations|Rachel King|September 7, 2020|Fortune
The growth has been sustained, particularly in video and connected TV ad spending, by advertisers who did not commit the money normally spent on the upfronts.
‘A healthy rebound’: Programmatic rally continues for publishers|Max Willens|September 3, 2020|Digiday
Several times, either because they forgot or they had a technical problem, they connected directly, and we could see them.
Was Sony Hit With a Second Hack?|Shane Harris|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
His mature wit and poetic style drew in those around him and we connected instantly.
Cuban Hip-Hop Was Born in Alamar|Daniel Levin|December 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I always loved monster movies because I identified with the monster and connected with it.
Tim Burton Talks ‘Big Eyes,’ His Taste For the Macabre, and the ‘Beetlejuice’ Sequel|Marlow Stern|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So that time, and growing up in that environment, connected me to those films.
Tim Burton Talks ‘Big Eyes,’ His Taste For the Macabre, and the ‘Beetlejuice’ Sequel|Marlow Stern|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The sky is not the limit; beliefs still must be sincere and connected to some for-real source.
In Florida, ’Tis The Season for Satan|Jay Michaelson|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The dirigible is now connected with the head of the mooring mast by a long length of steel wire rope.
Flying the Atlantic in Sixteen Hours|Arthur Whitten Brown
Everything that belongs to her, or is connected with her, is precious to me.
The Personal History of David Copperfield |Charles Dickens
I ought to linger nowhere; for misfortune flies to overtake me, and injures all that are connected with me.
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels, Vol. I (of 2)|Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A few paces ahead, the trench was crossed by a bridge (closed by a wicket gate) which connected the garden with the park.
Armadale|Wilkie Collins
Thought that is connected with the object from which it is derived, has the being to which it belongs, as subject.
Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 3|Plotinos (Plotinus)
British Dictionary definitions for connected
/ (kəˈnɛktɪd) /
joined or linked together
(of speech) coherent and intelligible
logicmaths(of a relation) such that either it or its converse holds between any two members of its domain