one of the main landmasses of the globe, usually reckoned as seven in number (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica).
a comparable landmass on another planet.
the mainland, as distinguished from islands or peninsulas.
the Continent,the mainland of Europe, as distinguished from the British Isles.
a continuous tract or extent, as of land.
Archaic. something that serves as a container or boundary.
exercising or characterized by restraint in relation to the desires or passions and especially to sexual desires; temperate.
able to control urinary and fecal discharge.
Obsolete. containing; being a container; capacious.
Obsolete. restraining or restrictive.
Obsolete. continuous; forming an uninterrupted tract, as land.
Origin of continent
1350–1400; Middle English <Latin continent- (stem of continēns, present participle of continēre to contain), equivalent to con-con- + -tin-, combining form of ten- hold + -ent--ent
Still, prices across the continent are likely to be pressured amid excess supply, said Rupert Claxton, meat director at consultant Gira.
Europe is on high alert after a deadly swine virus emerges in Germany|Bernhard Warner|September 10, 2020|Fortune
This is thought to be largely due to belts all along the northern parts of the continents where the snow has been melting much earlier due to climate change.
Slow, meandering hurricanes are often more dangerous—and they’re getting more common|Greta Moran|September 9, 2020|Popular Science
Many of the continent’s highlights are in the Northern Territory, an area left unscathed during last season’s wildfires.
These hordes can cross continents, eating through crops along the way.
A single chemical may draw lonely locusts into a hungry swarm|Jonathan Lambert|September 7, 2020|Science News For Students
Projects like ReGen villages, the so-called “Tesla of ecovillages,” now partnering with municipalities on four continents.
Solarpunk Is Growing a Gorgeous New World in the Cracks of the Old One|Carin Ism|September 6, 2020|Singularity Hub
Opponents of Muslims and immigrants across the continent are claiming vindication in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attack.
Europe’s Islam Haters Say We Told You So|Barbie Latza Nadeau|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
World War II is still a long way off, but the seeds of conflict are already being sown on the continent.
What Downton’s Fashion Really Means|Katie Baker|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
It can be hard to wrap your head around the problems facing the continent because they might seem ancient to us.
Silicon Valley Sets Its Sights on Africa|Christian Borys|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But this is often seen as little more than a way of trying to defame Edward III on the continent.
The Sex Life of King Richard III's Randy Great Great Great Grandfather|Tom Sykes|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The last time a Pope addressed the parliament in Strasbourg was in 1988 when an Iron Curtain still divided the continent.
Pope’s Blistering Attack on ‘Haggard’ Europe|Nico Hines|November 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But we had again to assist the Continent to strike the fetters off.
A Soldier's Experience or A Voice from the Ranks: Showing the Cost of War in Blood and Treasure|Timothy Gowing
Probably not one of those tribesmen has ever set foot on the American continent, let alone in Chicago.
The Cruise of the O Moo|Roy J. Snell
Bertie, I think your girl is worth the rest of this continent.
The Relentless City|Edward Frederic Benson
He inherited a considerable fortune from his father, and as a young man travelled much on the Continent.
English Heraldic Book-stamps|Cyril Davenport
The greater part of these have been planted since the arrival of the Europeans on the American continent.
In Search of the Castaways|Jules Verne
British Dictionary definitions for continent (1 of 3)
/ (ˈkɒntɪnənt) /
one of the earth's large land masses (Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, and Antarctica)
that part of the earth's crust that rises above the oceans and is composed of sialic rocks. Including the continental shelves, the continents occupy 30 per cent of the earth's surface