the act or state of continuing; the state of being continued.
extension or carrying on to a further point: to request the continuation of a loan.
something that continues some preceding thing by being of the same kind or having a similar content: Today's weather will be a continuation of yesterday's.
Library Science.
a supplement to a publication previously issued.
a work published in continuance of a monograph, serial, or series.
British Stock Exchange. contango.
Origin of continuation
1350–1400; Middle English continuacio(u)n (<Anglo-French ) <Latin continuātiōn- (stem of continuātiō). See continuate, -ion
There has always been a continuation of philosophy and approach from the founder and the people that followed him.
A Q&A with the provocative mind behind watchmaker H. Moser|Daniel Bentley|September 21, 2020|Fortune
“This is a continuation of Buffett spreading his international wings,” Stephen Innes, chief global analyst at online forex trader AxiCorp, said in a note Monday.
Warren Buffett’s $6 billion investment in Japan is not as unusual as it might seem|eamonbarrett|August 31, 2020|Fortune
In each example below, the prompt we generated is in ordinary font and the system’s continuation is in bold.
GPT-3, Bloviator: OpenAI’s language generator has no idea what it’s talking about|Amy Nordrum|August 22, 2020|MIT Technology Review
That is, even if sexual selection explains why male and female chimps differ in size, the human dimorphism could have more to do with their common ancestry with chimps than with a continuation of sexual selection.
Males Are the Taller Sex. Estrogen, Not Fights for Mates, May Be Why.|Christie Wilcox|June 8, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Were there ever plans for a sequel to Scissorhands, or a continuation of that story?
Tim Burton Talks ‘Big Eyes,’ His Taste For the Macabre, and the ‘Beetlejuice’ Sequel|Marlow Stern|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This obsession with food choice often leads people to cut out the wrong ones, proliferating the continuation of new diets.
The Gluten-Free Diet Has Two Faces|Andrea Powell|May 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The eight compositions on display at the Sears-Peyton Gallery are a continuation of a body of work.
In ‘Lost at Sea’ Exhibition, Celia Gerard’s Sculpture Turns to Drawing|Justin Jones|January 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But will future systems see the continuation of the online pass?
An Obituary For the Online Pass: Why You Can’t Charge Us Extra For Used Video Games|Alec Kubas-Meyer|November 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Going forward, Republicans are hoping they can use the continuation of sequestration as leverage in future budget showdowns.
House Republicans Throw In the Towel|Ben Jacobs|October 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST
A continuation of set assignments in most textbooks would dampen the ardor of pupils generally.
Adequate Preparation for the Teacher of Biological Sciences in Secondary Schools|James Daley McDonald
During the continuation of the Corn Laws the farmers have suffered the greatest privations.
A Short History of English Agriculture|W. H. R. Curtler
But this continuation is hardly worthy to be counted among the works of Richardson.
The Great Events by Famous Historians, v. 13|Various
Our fathers abolished the slave-trade, but permitted the continuation of domestic slavery.
Aunt Phillis's Cabin|Mary H. Eastman
The sacrifice would have gone straight to her heart, and would have made the continuation of his love possible.'
Her Royal Highness Woman|Max O'Rell
British Dictionary definitions for continuation
/ (kənˌtɪnjʊˈeɪʃən) /
a part or thing added, esp to a book or play, that serves to continue or extend; sequel
a renewal of an interrupted action, process, etc; resumption
the act or fact of continuing without interruption; prolongation
another word for contango (def. 1), contango (def. 2)