opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed: contrary to fact; contrary propositions.
opposite in direction or position: departures in contrary directions.
being the opposite one of two: I will make the contrary choice.
unfavorable or adverse.
perverse; stubbornly opposed or willful.
something that is contrary or opposite: to prove the contrary of a statement.
either of two contrary things.
Logic. a proposition so related to another proposition that both may not be true though both may be false, as with the propositions “All judges are male” and “No judges are male.”
in opposition; oppositely; counter: to act contrary to one's own principles.
Idioms for contrary
by contraries, contrary to expectation.
on the contrary,
in opposition to what has been stated.
from another point of view: On the contrary, there may be some who would agree with you.
to the contrary,
to the opposite effect: I believe he is innocent, whatever they may say to the contrary.
to a different effect.
Origin of contrary
1200–50; Middle English contrarie<Anglo-French <Latin contrārius.See contra1, -ary
1. See opposite. 4. Contrary,adverse both describe something that opposes. Contrary conveys an idea of something impersonal and objective whose opposition happens to be unfavorable: contrary winds.Adverse suggests something more personally unfriendly or even hostile; it emphasizes the idea of the resulting misfortune to that which is opposed: The judge rendered a decision adverse to the defendant.
This senseless policy needlessly puts lives at risk, and it’s critical that the American people speak out about why this rule change is dangerous and contrary to our values.
Trump administration targets homeless trans Americans|Jennifer Wexton|September 2, 2020|Washington Blade
Quite the contrary, the delays help ensure legitimacy of the votes.
The biggest threat to mail-in voting isn’t security—it’s politics|matthewheimer|August 24, 2020|Fortune
On the contrary, you can run 404 checks to locate pages that are not working anymore to ensure that they are redirected in the correct page.
Three SEO mistakes that can impact your search rankings|Tereza Litsa|August 24, 2020|Search Engine Watch
On the contrary, the whole point is that business on its own can make the world a better place.
Revisiting the Business Roundtable’s ‘Stakeholder Capitalism,’ one year later|Geoffrey Colvin|August 19, 2020|Fortune
And, contrary to popular belief, I’m also a huge proponent of public transportation.
Admit it: You miss being stuck in traffic|matthewheimer|August 17, 2020|Fortune
Contrary to the popular narrative, TNR did not “die” last week.
The Rise and Fall of Chris Hughes and Sean Eldridge, America’s Worst Gay Power Couple|James Kirchick|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Contrary to what you may assume about me, I actually enjoy the occasional trip to the mall.
It’s Always Black Friday for Clerks|Michael Tomasky|November 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Contrary to the conventional wisdom, there is nothing intrinsically “progressive” about hating suburbs.
The Progressives’ War on Suburbia|Joel Kotkin|November 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On the contrary, if the Court now decides to hear this case on the merits, it might be a fast-track.
Gay Marriage Chaos Begins|Jay Michaelson|November 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
To the contrary, she said, she did not necessarily believe that collective bargaining needed to be reformed.
Meet Gina Raimondo, the Only Democratic Star of 2014|David Freedlander|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On the contrary, I am speeding them forward with added watchfulness.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898|E. H. Blair
On the contrary, His Imperial Majesty appeals to their sentiments of justice, and to the consciousness of their own dignity.
The British Expedition to the Crimea|William Howard Russell
On the contrary, it is almost directly favourable, but the question is whether they would venture out at all in such a storm.
A Canadian Heroine, Volume 2|Mrs. Harry Coghill
This is true; vital statistics and fiction to the contrary, notwithstanding.
The Sheriff of Badger|George B. Pattullo
Faith indeed tells what the senses do not tell, but not the contrary of what they see.
Pascal's Penses|Blaise Pascal
British Dictionary definitions for contrary
/ (ˈkɒntrərɪ) /
opposed in nature, position, etccontrary ideas
(kənˈtrɛərɪ) perverse; obstinate
(esp of wind) adverse; unfavourable
(of plant parts) situated at right angles to each other
logic(of a pair of propositions) related so that they cannot both be true at once, although they may both be false togetherCompare subcontrary (def. 2), contradictory (def. 3)
the exact opposite (esp in the phrase to the contrary)
on the contraryquite the reverse; not at all
either of two exactly opposite objects, facts, or qualities
logica statement that cannot be true when a given statement is true
adverb(usually foll by to)
in an opposite or unexpected waycontrary to usual belief
in conflict (with) or contravention (of)contrary to nature
Derived forms of contrary
contrariness, noun
Word Origin for contrary
C14: from Latin contrārius opposite, from contrā against