[ ri-dout ] SHOW IPA
noun Fortification . an isolated work forming a complete enclosure of any form, used to defend a prominent point. an independent earthwork built within a permanent fortification to reinforce it. any safe and secure place or situation; refuge; stronghold: Lebanon has represented one of the last redoubts of Christianity in the Middle East.
Origin of redoubt First recorded in 1600–10; from French redoute, from Italian ridotto, from Late Latin reductus “a refuge,” noun use of past participle of Latin redūcere “to lead back”; see reduce
Words nearby redoubt redondilla, Redondo Beach, red osier, red-osier dogwood, redouble, redoubt , redoubtable, redoubted, redound, redout, redowa
Definition for redoubt (2 of 2) [ ri-dout , ree -dout ] SHOW IPA
/ rɪˈdaʊt, ˈri daʊt / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun Mount, an active volcano in S Alaska, on the Alaska Peninsula: highest peak in the Aleutian Range. 10,197 feet (3,108 meters).
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for redoubt He and the troops then retreated across New Jersey to a winter redoubt .
George Washington, the First Vaxxer | Tom Shachtman| October 5, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The Fuhrer may have fallen but his ideology persists in this redoubt of Nazism, untroubled by a sympathetic Argentine regime.
Holocaust Horrors Haunt the Films ‘Ida’ And ‘The German Doctor’ | Jack Schwartz| May 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Griffith was elected to a North Alabama district in 2008 that had long been a Democratic redoubt in the midst of a deep red sea.
Parker Griffith Re-Rats | Ben Jacobs| February 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Even so, he will be calling many of the shots from his Middle East redoubt , a reality few dispute.
Thailand’s Shaky Revolution | Lennox Samuels| July 4, 2011| DAILY BEAST
As a Pittsburgh Steelers safety in the good-timing, pill-popping NFL of the 1970s, he was a redoubt of propriety.
The NFL's Spiritual Guru | Bryan Curtis| February 3, 2010| DAILY BEAST
Each Frenchman seized his musket and fled to a hole nearby, called "the redoubt ."
Montreal 1535-1914 under the French Rgime | William Henry Atherton
We followed slowly, and in twenty minutes we saw the outposts of the Russians falling back and entering the redoubt .
The Strand Magazine, Volume I, Issue 2, February 1891 | Various
There has been some dispute in regard to the redoubt which defended New Orleans.
Sustained honor | John R. Musick,
This, was, I suppose, in anticipation of the enemy getting possession of the redoubt to the right and raking the line.
Personal Recollections of the War of 1861 | Charles Augustus Fuller
Leaving two companies in charge of the redoubt , Wolfe hastened forward with the rest toward Quebec.
Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 2 of 8 | Various
British Dictionary definitions for redoubt noun an outwork or detached fieldwork defending a pass, hilltop, etc
a temporary defence work built inside a fortification as a last defensive position
Word Origin for redoubt C17: via French from obsolete Italian ridotta , from Medieval Latin reductus shelter, from Latin redūcere to withdraw, from re- + dūcere to lead
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to redoubt bastion, garrison, fortress, mainstay, rampart, barrier, citadel, fortification, bulwark, keep, fastness, castle, fort, presidio, camp, station, acropolis, blockhouse, stronghold, parapet