[ kuh n-veen -yuh ns ] SHOW IPA
/ kənˈvin yəns / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the quality of being convenient; suitability.
anything that saves or simplifies work, adds to one's ease or comfort, etc., as an appliance, utensil, or the like.
a convenient situation or time: at your convenience.
advantage or accommodation: a shelter for the convenience of travelers.
Chiefly British . water closet (def. 1).
adjective easy to obtain, use, or reach; made for convenience: convenience utensils that can be discarded after use.
Origin of convenience 1350–1400; Middle English <Latin convenientia harmony, agreement. See convenient, -ence
SYNONYMS FOR convenience 1 utility, handiness, availability.
Words nearby convenience convective heat, convector, convenance, convene, convener, convenience , convenience food, convenience store, conveniency, convenient, convent
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for convenience Elo said he gave the FPPC bank statements detailing the illegal expenditures — various payments to convenience stores and restaurants, and mobile transfers to Barrios’s personal bank account.
Barrios Makes Dubious Claims on Investigations Into His Spending | Jesse Marx| August 25, 2020| Voice of San Diego
It is a vehicle that impacts actual lives thousands of miles beyond the coffee shop or convenience store.
OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder on launching a hemp-infused sparkling water brand | Rachel King| August 24, 2020| Fortune
They’re combining the convenience of e-commerce with the immediacy of stores.
E-commerce explodes: 45% growth in Q2 | Greg Sterling| August 19, 2020| Search Engine Land
So if you think about our cycle in the US, when we first started having tech companies in tech services, we were actually pretty happy with the idea of giving up some of our data privacy in exchange for that convenience .
Podcast: Want consumer privacy? Try China | Michael Reilly| August 19, 2020| MIT Technology Review
As we said before, “Having certain Google Analytics data in Search Console can offer a big convenience and also help you see your data in new ways.”
Google Search Console Insights for content creators | Barry Schwartz| August 17, 2020| Search Engine Land
Holsey admitted to killing a police officer after robbing a convenience store.
How the U.S. Justice System Screws Prisoners with Disabilities | Elizabeth Picciuto| December 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
On the afternoon Brown was killed, he had stolen a pack of cigars from a convenience store.
The Three Biggest Unanswered Questions About Ferguson | Jacob Siegel| November 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The bond between women and detachable showerheads, after all, is both a marriage of convenience and one of love.
I Tried Cosmo’s New Lesbian Sex Tips | Samantha Allen| November 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
While the two outfits have long enjoyed a marriage of convenience , they have been careful to maintain a distance from each other.
Al Qaeda’s Desperation Could Be India’s Nightmare | Tunku Varadarajan| September 6, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And then you go and open a convenience store and it’s the ‘All-American convenience store.
Awkward: This Democratic Judicial Candidate's Husband Is a White Supremacist | Gideon Resnick| August 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
They have for the sake of convenience been called the alpha, beta, and gamma rays.
A Brief Account of Radio-activity | Francis Preston Venable
This age was taken for the sake of convenience , and to include all children indefinitely specified as having "died young."
Consanguineous Marriages in the American Population | George B. Louis Arner
Considerations of convenience , however, postponed the marriage.
Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers | Thomas De Quincey
Nevertheless, there are times when this method may be found a convenience and yield results which are all that may be desired.
The Barnet Book of Photography | Various
Utility and convenience took the place of show and splendor.
Our Hundred Days in Europe | Oliver Wendell Holmes
British Dictionary definitions for convenience noun the state or quality of being suitable or opportune the convenience of the hour
a convenient time or situation
at your convenience at a time suitable to you
at your earliest convenience formal as soon as possible
usefulness, comfort, or facility
an object that is particularly useful, esp a labour-saving device
euphemistic , mainly British a lavatory, esp a public one
make a convenience of to take advantage of; impose upon
SEE MORE SEE LESS Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Idioms and Phrases with convenience see at one's convenience.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Words related to convenience amenity, advantage, service, facility, enjoyment, ease, comfort, appliance, accessibility, satisfaction, benefit, luxury, assistance, accommodation, relief, freedom, opportunity, help, furtherance, receptiveness