For those watching the destruction at home and wanting to help, Cornett recommended donations to the Red Cross.
Stuck Far From Home, Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett Asks for Prayers|John Avlon|May 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But the cornett was doomed to destruction in the struggle for life.
Springtime and Other Essays|Francis Darwin
Cornett sank dead upon the log, while his little brother ran for life and escaped.
Kentucky's Famous Feuds and Tragedies|Chas. G Mutzenberg
Various machines are used for this, such as Wurster's kneading engine, Cornett's breaker, or some similar contrivance.
The Manufacture of Paper|Robert Walter Sindall
One morning (July, 1890) Cornett, in company of his little brother, started to the field to cut oats.
Kentucky's Famous Feuds and Tragedies|Chas. G Mutzenberg
I will bring Duffield and Reid around from our office and ask young Cornett to come with us.
Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight|Mathew Joseph Holt
/ (kɔːˈnɛt) /
a musical instrument consisting of a straight or curved tube of wood or ivory having finger holes like a recorder and a cup-shaped mouthpiece like a trumpet
Word Origin for cornett
from Old French cornet a little horn, from corn horn, from Latin cornū