Samantha Hogan is a staff writer at The Maine Monitor and a corps member for Report for America.
Maine Hires Lawyers With Criminal Records to Defend Poor Residents. The Governor Wants Reform.|by Samantha Hogan, The Maine Monitor|October 14, 2020|ProPublica
Samantha Hogan is a staff writer at The Maine Monitor and a Report for America corps member.
Maine Hires Lawyers With Criminal Records to Defend Its Poorest Residents|by Samantha Hogan, The Maine Monitor, with data analysis by Agnel Philip|October 6, 2020|ProPublica
A nationwide tutoring corps could be rolled out by expanding Americorps, a federally funded national service program, Kraft and others suggest.
Creative school plans could counter inequities exposed by COVID-19|Sujata Gupta|September 8, 2020|Science News
To be fair, Brady’s receiving corps was badly depleted for most of 2019, which had a measurable effect on his stats.
Newton Can Replace Brady, But Can The Pats Replace Half Of Their Defense?|Neil Paine (|September 3, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Without the lived experience of some of our audience and peers, we undoubtedly miss stories and don’t notice things a more representative reporting corps would catch.
A Message to Our Readers on Newsroom Diversity|Voice of San Diego|July 15, 2020|Voice of San Diego
There were now five British corps in the British sector, and five American corps in the American sector.
Blood in the Sand: When James Jones Wrote a Grunt’s View of D-Day|James Jones|November 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It was now almost impossible to speak of individual divisions in relation to these actions, but only of corps.
Blood in the Sand: When James Jones Wrote a Grunt’s View of D-Day|James Jones|November 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He was deciding whether or not he wanted to stay in the Corps.
A Man to Believe In: Eulogy for Marine Master Sergeant Aaron Torian|Elliot Ackerman|March 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As a Teach For America 2011 corps member, I spent the last two years teaching 5th grade at a charter school in Harlem.
A Teach for America Alum On How Testing Is Hurting Our Kids|Jonathan Sheehan|October 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The next COAS will come from the shadowy group of a dozen corps commanders who run the Army.
Pakistan’s Impossible Year: Elections, Army Intrigue, and More|Bruce Riedel|December 29, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The killer's head snapped up at mention of the Corps, and he stared harder and more suspiciously than ever into Hanlon's eyes.
Man of Many Minds|E. Everett Evans
We copy a description of the march of a regiment in Porter's corps.
The Seventh Regiment|George L. Wood
His commissary was attached to the Staff of the corps, over which waved the “yellow-blue flag.”
The Russian Turmoil|Anton Ivanovich Denikin
Grant now thought it best to attack the Confederate lines in front of Wright's corps.
Battles of the Civil War|Thomas Elbert Vineyard
Although reverses followed, the Corps maintained the reputation it had gained for steadiness and discipline.
The Life of Gordon, Volume I|Demetrius Charles Boulger
British Dictionary definitions for corps
/ (kɔː) /
nounpluralcorps (kɔːz)
a military formation that comprises two or more divisions and additional support arms
a military body with a specific functionintelligence corps; medical corps
a body of people associated togetherthe diplomatic corps