verb (used with object),cor·rob·o·rat·ed,cor·rob·o·rat·ing.
to make more certain; confirm: He corroborated my account of the accident.
Archaic. confirmed.
Origin of corroborate
First recorded in 1520–30; from Latin corrōborātus, past participle of corrōborāre “to strengthen,” equivalent to cor- “with, together” + rōbor(āre) “to make strong” (derivative of rōbor, rōbur “oak” hence, “strength”) + -ātus past participle suffix; see cor-, robust,-ate1
The authors used “best statistical practices” by corroborating their nationwide, county-level results with the individual results from Washington and Utah, says Donald Green, a political scientist at Columbia University.
Your site should include a detailed “About us” section that explains who you are, what you do and introduces your C-level executives, with links from relevant publications that corroborate your claims.
How to get a Knowledge Panel for your brand, even without Wikipedia|George Nguyen|August 3, 2020|Search Engine Land
That finding is also at least somewhat corroborated in this paper FiveThirtyEight contributor Lee Drutman published with the Voter Study Group earlier this year.
Trump Can’t Postpone The Election, But He Can Delegitimize The Results.|Sarah Frostenson (|July 30, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
This is corroborated by NASA, the guys who spend more time looking at the Earth than pretty much anyone else.
What Is The Difference Between “Weather” vs. “Climate”?|Brigid Walsh|July 26, 2020|Everything After Z
We conducted separate analyses using a different source of testing site locations and examined other testing-related data to corroborate our findings.
Which Cities Have The Biggest Racial Gaps In COVID-19 Testing Access?|Soo Rin Kim|July 22, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
But, Digital Globe satellite images dated March 17, 2014, corroborate their stories.
The Forgotten Genocidal War in Darfur Revealed in New Satellite Photos|Akshaya Kumar , Jacinth Planer|March 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
(Read More on the Crisis in Ukraine) Old, numerous and bipartisan are the tales that corroborate this dreary hypothesis.
Britain’s KGB Sugar Daddy|Michael Weiss|March 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Of course, the only reason we retell the story is precisely the data did corroborate Einstein's theory.
How Do We Know a Theory is Correct?|David Frum|April 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Other witnesses came forward to corroborate her testimony, although they refused to appear on camera.
BBC Director-General Faces Parliament in Jimmy Savile Affair. Can the BBC Restore Its Reputation?|Peter Jukes|October 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Daisey appears to have intentionally misled the producers and to have lied about his ability to corroborate his story.
The Conning of ‘This American Life’ Leads to an Embarrassing Retraction|Philip Bump|March 17, 2012|DAILY BEAST
We could adduce many instances to corroborate this assertion.
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 4, April 1810|Various
That he is not only contradicted by all the evidence, but by himself, and how can you corroborate a man who tells no truth?
The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 10 (of 12)|Robert G. Ingersoll
To corroborate the truth of this report, he and the master were seen again ascending the rigging.
Ben Hadden|W.H.G. Kingston
God must forgive first, and the Pope through his priests can then corroborate the remission.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 7|Elbert Hubbard
Electric investigations which I have carried out also corroborate the results given above.
Life Movements in Plants, Volume II, 1919|Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose
British Dictionary definitions for corroborate
verb (kəˈrɒbəˌreɪt)
(tr)to confirm or support (facts, opinions, etc), esp by providing fresh evidencethe witness corroborated the accused's statement