In response to the controversy, the NBA said in a statement that it was “regrettable” that Morey’s tweet offended fans in mainland China, but it also said it values the right of employees to weigh in on “matters important to them.”
Daryl Morey ostracized the NBA in mainland China. Now, some fans there are reveling in his resignation|Grady McGregor|October 16, 2020|Fortune
The NBA initially issued a statement saying that the league recognized that Morey’s tweet had “deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China, which is regrettable.”
How the NBA kept the bubble from bursting|Adam Lashinsky|October 15, 2020|Fortune
Regrettably, not many of them have been adequately translated.
How Clausewitz Invented Modern War|James A. Warren|November 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The last few years have regrettably made the phrase “Republican pollster” less a job title than a punch line.
The Cantor Prediction Is Part of a Pattern: GOP Pollsters Stink|Kristen Soltis Anderson|June 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The crimes of the Deep South echo beyond the quaint courtrooms; the closing summations, regrettably, do not end in closure.
Still Killing Time: John Grisham Talks Broadway and “Sycamore Row”|Thane Rosenbaum|October 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST
There is still, regrettably, a great deal of prejudice in the world, racial as well as sexual.
Niall Ferguson Responds to the Blogospherse|David Frum|May 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Regrettably, such cases have meant dismal outcomes for the employees.
Nightmare in Saudi Arabia: The Plight of Foreign Migrant Workers|Bayan Perazzo|January 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But there is hardly an anatomist or an anthropologist who has not had his say upon this regrettably very incomplete remnant.
The Cambridge Natural History, Vol X., Mammalia|Frank Evers Beddard
The average young wife is regrettably inexperienced in the matter of husbands.
Bizarre|Lawton Mackall
There I found Toté undeniably long-legged and regrettably shy.
The King's Mirror|Anthony Hope
Deaths were regrettably few; and resignations could hardly be expected.
Jefferson and his Colleagues|Allen Johnson
I will admit that my ignorance of Rupert Brooke and his genius showed a regrettably uninformed mind.