an assembly of persons summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice.
a body of persons specially designated or selected to act in an advisory, administrative, or legislative capacity: the governor's council on housing.
(in certain British colonies or dependencies) an executive or legislative body assisting the governor.
an ecclesiastical assembly for deciding matters of doctrine or discipline.
New Testament. the Sanhedrin or other authoritative body.
Origin of council
First recorded in 1125–75; Middle English co(u)nsile, from Anglo-French cuncil(e), Old French concile, from Late Latin concilium “synod, church council” (Latin: “assembly”), probably equivalent to Latin con- con- + -cil(āre), combining form of calāre “to summon, convoke” + -ium -ium; Middle English -s- by association with Anglo-French cunseil counsel
words often confused with council
Council,counsel, and consul are not interchangeable. Council is a noun. Its most common sense is “an assembly of persons convened for deliberation or the like.” It is generally used with a singular verb. A member of such a group is a councilor.Counsel is both noun and verb. Its most common meaning as a noun is “advice given to another”: His counsel on domestic relations is sound. A person giving such advice is a counselor. In law, counsel means “legal adviser or advisers” and can be either singular or plural. As a verb, counsel means “to advise.” The noun consul refers to the representative of a government who guards the welfare of its citizens in a foreign country.
1. consul, council , counsel (see confusables note at the current entry)2. board, committee, council , panel, trust
Words nearby council
Coulter pine, Coumadin, coumarin, coumarone, coumarone resin, council, council area, Council Bluffs, council fire, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, councillor
There’s a clear lack of regional diversity in many AI advisory boards, expert panels, and councils.
AI ethics groups are repeating one of society’s classic mistakes|Amy Nordrum|September 14, 2020|MIT Technology Review
It follows two brainiac classmates who fall in love while leading their student council but are too proud to be the first to admit it.
This Weekend: You’ll Never Bathe the Same Way Again|Joshua Eferighe|August 21, 2020|Ozy
Others have created new internal councils focused on diversity and inclusion.
‘Urgent need’: How agencies are deploying diversity and inclusion execs, forming new councils to create more equitable companies|Kristina Monllos|August 21, 2020|Digiday
You attend a neighborhood council meeting, just to see what happens when you rise to speak.
The first murder|Katie McLean|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
City councils, for instance, are making legislative decisions when they adopt new policies that will apply broadly going forward.
Politics Report: Mara Elliott, Plumber|Scott Lewis and Andrew Keatts|August 1, 2020|Voice of San Diego
In secret, before the referendum, the council went ahead and fluoridated the water anyway.
Anti-Fluoriders Are The OG Anti-Vaxxers|Michael Schulson|July 27, 2016|DAILY BEAST
A spokesman for Lewisham council said last year that it would be forced to act if the family returned to Britain.
Britain May Spy on Preschoolers Searching for Potential Jihadis|Nico Hines|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
It is certainly more stylish than a council flat in a small-town banlieue!
Hell Hath No Fury Like Valerie Trierweiler, the French President’s Ex|Lizzie Crocker|November 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In fact, a few years ago I was awarded the "Courage in Media" award from the Council on American Islamic Relations.
How Aasif Mandvi Became Jon Stewart’s Favorite Jihadi|Dean Obeidallah|November 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But he said, “The UN council does nothing for people living in Iran.”
The Real Reason Iran Killed This Woman for Defending Herself|Eli Lake|October 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He next dropped his name of Malagigi, because it had been given him by the devils in council, and called himself Onofrio.
Castellinaria|Henry Festing Jones
If the incensed father, who was a member of the Council, used the full severity of the law, he might fare even worse than ill.
In The Fire Of The Forge, Complete|Georg Ebers
King Philip agreed to meet this council in a new attempt to adjust all their difficulties.
King Philip|John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot) Abbott
The council sent the mother and son away with the assurance of immediate action.
Comrades|Thomas Dixon
The results shall be sent to this council, with an account of everything that is done, and his opinion of what is meet to be done.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898|E. H. Blair
British Dictionary definitions for council
/ (ˈkaʊnsəl) /
an assembly of people meeting for discussion, consultation, etcan emergency council
a body of people elected or appointed to serve in an administrative, legislative, or advisory capacitya student council
the council(sometimes capital)Britishthe local governing authority of a town, county, etc
a meeting or the deliberation of a council
(modifier)of, relating to, provided for, or used by a local councila council chamber; council offices
(modifier)Britishprovided by a local council, esp (of housing) at a subsidized renta council house; a council estate
Australianan administrative or legislative assembly, esp the upper house of a state parliament in Australia
Christianityan assembly of bishops, theologians, and other representatives of several churches or dioceses, convened for regulating matters of doctrine or discipline
Word Origin for council
C12: from Old French concile, from Latin concilium assembly, from com- together + calāre to call; influenced also by Latin consilium advice, counsel