

单词 remediation


[ ri-mee-dee-ey-shuhn ]
/ rɪˌmi diˈeɪ ʃən /


the correction of something bad or defective.

Origin of remediation

First recorded in 1790–1800; from Latin remediātiōn-, stem of remediātiō “act or process of healing,” equivalent to remediāt-, past participle stem of remediāre “to treat (successfully), cure” + -ion, noun suffix; see origin at remedy, -ation

historical usage of remediation

Remediation comes straight from Latin remediātiō (stem remediātiōn- ) “process of healing,” a verbal noun from the verb remediāre “to treat (successfully), cure,” a verb formed from the prefix re-, here used as an intensive, and the simple verb medērī “to heal, cure.” The Latin (Italic and Proto-Indo-European) root behind all these words is med-, mēd-, mod-, mōd- “to take proper measures, deliberate, judge, heal.” The variant med- is also the source of Latin meditārī “to think over or constantly contemplate” (English meditate ).
Latin also records the noun meddix, the title of the chief magistrate of an Oscan city, such as Naples. (The Oscans were an Italic-speaking people who lived in Campania.) Meddix is a hybrid of Italic med- “to deliberate, judge” and the Latin agent suffix -dex “speaker,” from the verb dīcere “to say.” Meddix therefore means “law speaker,” whose Oscan equivalent is medíss ( -díss is the equivalent of Latin -dex ). Meddix is equivalent to Latin jūdex “judge,” also literally meaning “law speaker,” from jūs “law” and dīcere “to say.”
Medusa, one of the mythological Gorgons, is from Greek Médousa “ruling, she who rules,” the feminine active participle of médein “to rule.”
Med- in Germanic becomes met-, the source of Old English metan “to measure, measure out” (English mete ). The variant mēd- becomes mēt- in Germanic, forming the Old English adjective gemǣte “suitable, appropriate” (English meet ). The variant mod- forms Latin modus “measure, limit, size,” with its derivative adjective modestus “keeping within limits, proper, restrained” (English modest ).

Words nearby remediation

REME, remediable, remedial, remedial reading, remediate, remediation, remediless, remedy, remember, Remember the Alamo!, Remember the Maine
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

British Dictionary definitions for remediation

/ (rɪˌmiːdɪˈeɪʃən) /


the action of remedying something, esp the reversal or stopping of damage to the environment
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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