[ kou -boi ] SHOW IPA
noun a man who herds and tends cattle on a ranch, especially in the western U.S., and who traditionally goes about most of his work on horseback.
a man who exhibits the skills attributed to such cowboys, especially in rodeos.
Chiefly Northeastern U.S. a reckless or speedy automobile driver.
Informal . a reckless or irresponsible person, especially a show-off or one who undertakes a dangerous or sensitive task heedlessly: They put foreign policy in the hands of cowboys.
(during the American Revolution) a member of a pro-British guerrilla band that operated between the American and British lines near New York City.
verb (used without object) Origin of cowboy First recorded in 1715–25; cow1 + boy
Words nearby cowboy cowbane, cowbell, cowberry, cowbind, cowbird, cowboy , cowboy boot, cowboy hat, cowboys and Indians, cowboy up, cow cake
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for cowboy The fearsome site was named for the cowboy Kendall Bumpass, who in 1865 got too close and stepped through the thin crust.
Life on Earth may have begun in hostile hot springs | Jack J. Lee| September 24, 2020| Science News
Thus it attracted a wave of cowboy operators to fly passengers and cargo between cities.
Who Will Get AsiaAir 8501’s Black Boxes? | Clive Irving| December 30, 2014| DAILY BEAST
This explains the crumpled look of his beautiful red velvet suit paired with cowboy boots and a flowery style shirt.
Dodo Bones and Kylie’s Poo: Inside London’s Strangest New Museum | Liza Foreman| November 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And he had a cowboy hat that he liked touching, too—he smoothed the brim back like it was a ducktail haircut.
The Stacks: Pete Dexter on What It’s Like to Lose the Knack of Having Fun | Pete Dexter| September 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The notion of a “spread”—the mythical Texas ranch that every Texas cowboy hopes for—fueled his imagination.
‘The Harness Maker’s Dream:’ The Unlikely Ranch King of Texas | Nick Kotz| September 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
George W. Bush is six feet even before slipping on the cowboy boots.
For Short Men in 2014, The News Is Surprisingly Good | Kevin Bleyer| September 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The cowboy detective paused only long enough to make sure that the other rustler would be captured.
Slim Evans and his Horse Lightning | Graham M. Dean
A cowboy yell broke from the lips of the Texana yell that sent his mount bounding forward with surprise and fear.
Dick Merriwell Abroad | Burt L. Standish
They had not counted on being entertained by the cowboy , and began to wonder what they had been drawn into.
The Motor Maids Across the Continent | Katherine Stokes
Hell lose more than his little old Colts, growled the second cowboy .
Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch | Alice B. Emerson
It furnished all the thrills that one gets when watching a cowboy on a bucking bronco, or a trained seal.
The Congo and Coasts of Africa | Richard Harding Davis
British Dictionary definitions for cowboy noun Also called: cowhand a hired man who herds and tends cattle, usually on horseback, esp in the western US
a conventional character of Wild West folklore, films, etc, esp one involved in fighting Indians
informal a person who is an irresponsible or unscrupulous operator in business (as modifier ) cowboy contractors ; cowboy shop steward Australian a man or boy who tends cattle
Derived forms of cowboy cowgirl , fem n Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to cowboy bronco, herdsman, rancher, wrangler, vaquero, gaucho, drover, buckaroo, cowpuncher, cowpoke, cattleman, stockman, cowhand