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[ ree-pruh-doos, -dyoos ] / ˌri prəˈdus, -ˈdyus / SEE SYNONYMS FOR reproduce ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used with object), re·pro·duced, re·pro·duc·ing.to make a copy, representation, duplicate, or close imitation of: to reproduce a picture. to produce again or anew by natural process: to reproduce a severed branch. Biology. to produce one or more other individuals of (a given kind of organism) by some process of generation or propagation, sexual or asexual. to cause or foster the reproduction of (organisms). to produce form, make, or bring about again or anew in any manner. to recall to the mind or have a mental image of (a past incident, scene, etc.), as by the aid of memory or imagination. to produce again, as a play produced at an earlier time. verb (used without object), re·pro·duced, re·pro·duc·ing.to reproduce its kind, as an organism; propagate; bear offspring. to turn out in a given manner when copied: This picture will reproduce well. Origin of reproduceFirst recorded in 1605–15; re- + produce SYNONYMS FOR reproduce3 generate, propagate, beget. 5 repeat. SEE SYNONYMS FOR reproduce ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for reproduce5. See imitate. OTHER WORDS FROM reproducere·pro·duc·er, nounre·pro·duc·i·ble, adjectivere·pro·duc·i·bil·i·ty, nounnon·re·pro·duc·i·ble, adjective self-re·pro·duc·ing, adjectiveun·re·pro·duc·i·ble, adjective Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for reproduceOnly reproducible experiments, and ones that justify interest, are validated. Zany, Cute, Interesting: What the Words We Use Say About Us|Benjamin Lytal|October 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST We want to get our telepathic transmissions distant, definite, and reproducible. "It has to be reproducible, Lefty," he said, but in a kindly tone. The Right Time|Walter Bupp The "unique utilities," things not reproducible by human labor, command what might be termed natural monopoly-prices.
He writes an idiomatic Swedish which, in a sense, is not reproducible in another language. August Strindberg, the Spirit of Revolt|L. (Lizzy) Lind-af-Hageby But the teaching of Buddha has lost touch with reality; it rests on no basis of observed or of reproducible fact. Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death|Frederick W. H. Myers
British Dictionary definitions for reproduce
verb (mainly tr)to make a copy, representation, or imitation of; duplicate (also intr) biology to undergo or cause to undergo a process of reproduction to produce or exhibit again to bring back into existence again; re-create to bring before the mind again (a scene, event, etc) through memory or imagination (intr) to come out (well, badly, etc), when copied to replace (damaged parts or organs) by a process of natural growth; regenerate to cause (a sound or television recording) to be heard or seen Derived forms of reproducereproducible, adjectivereproducibly, adverbreproducibility, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to reproduceportray, imitate, clone, recreate, reflect, emulate, duplicate, repeat, replicate, mirror, print, copy, photocopy, reprint, spawn, proliferate, breed, propagate, hatch, multiply Medical definitions for reproduce[ rē′prə-dōōs′, -dyōōs′ ]
v.To produce a counterpart, an image, or a copy of something. To bring something to mind again. To generate offspring by sexual or asexual means. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |