单词 | cripple |
释义 | cripple[ krip-uhl ] / ˈkrɪp əl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR cripple ON THESAURUS.COM nounverb (used with object), crip·pled, crip·pling.to make a cripple of; lame. to disable; impair; weaken. adjectiveCarpentry. jack1 (def. 29). Origin of cripplebefore 950; Middle English cripel,Old English crypel; akin to creep usage note for crippleWhen referring to someone for whom it is difficult or impossible to walk or move without some kind of external aid like crutches or a wheelchair, sensitivity is called for. The words cripple and crippled are no longer considered appropriate. Although these terms have been in use since before the year 950, since the mid-1900s they have become increasingly uncommon and are now regarded as insulting. Since the late 20th century, the terms handicapped and the handicapped, once thought to be acceptable alternatives, have also become somewhat offensive. ( Handicapped remains acceptable, however, in certain set phrases like handicapped parking. ) Attempts to replace crippled with the milder euphemistic term physically challenged were sidetracked by a virtual explosion of satirical imitations like economically challenged (poor), ethically challenged (immoral), and vertically challenged (short). The currently acceptable terms are disabled and, when referring to groups, the phrase people with disabilities, or somewhat less commonly, the disabled. These terms are not only less likely to offend, they are more useful. While cripple and crippled traditionally denoted permanent impairments of one or more limbs, disabled is a broader, more comprehensive word that can refer to many different kinds of physical or mental impairments, whether temporary or permanent. cripple and crippled are not deemed offensive when referring to an inanimate object or an animal. And cripple can be used freely as a verb, especially metaphorically, as in Failing to upgrade the computer system will cripple our business. See also retarded. OTHER WORDS FROM cripplecrippler, nouncrip·pling·ly, adverbun·crip·pled, adjectiveWords nearby cripplecrios, criosphinx, crip, cripes, Crippen, cripple, Cripple Creek, crippling, Cripps, crise, Criseyde Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for cripple
British Dictionary definitions for cripplecripple / (ˈkrɪpəl) / nounoffensive a person who is lame offensive a person who is or seems disabled or deficient in some waya mental cripple US dialect a dense thicket, usually in marshy land verb(tr) to make a cripple of; disable Derived forms of cripplecrippler, nounWord Origin for crippleOld English crypel; related to crēopan to creep, Old Frisian kreppel a cripple, Middle Low German kröpel Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Medical definitions for cripplecripple [ krĭp′əl ] n.One that is partially disabled or unable to use a limb or limbs. v.To cause to lose the use of a limb or limbs. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |
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