[ kri-teek ] SHOW IPA
noun an article or essay criticizing a literary or other work; detailed evaluation; review.
a criticism or critical comment on some problem, subject, etc.
the art or practice of criticism.
verb (used with object), cri·tiqued, cri·ti·quing. to review or analyze critically.
Origin of critique First recorded in 1695–1705; from French, from Greek kritikḗ “the art of criticism,” noun use of feminine of kritikós “critical, skilled in judging”; replacing critic
WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH critique critic, criticism, critique Words nearby critique critical value, critical volume, criticaster, criticism, criticize, critique , Critique of Pure Reason, Crittenden Compromise, critter, Crius, CRM
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for critique Do we critique those women who would modify themselves just to reach those standards?
Renée Zellweger Got a New Face—and Everyone Had An Opinion About It | Kevin O’Keeffe| December 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
This photograph is a critique of how draconian the rules of society can be.
‘Gods of Suburbia’: Dina Goldstein’s Arresting Photo Series on Religion vs. Consumerism | Dina Goldstein| November 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The critique extends into nearly every little crevice and lacuna of our civic life.
Who Are the Judicial Activists Now? | Michael Tomasky| October 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Of course, the critique could be made in the other direction.
Why We Need a Left Wing Tea Party | Sally Kohn| September 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Any critique may be treated as a security issue or an offense against the faith.
Forget About a Kindler Gentler Iran | Nina Strochlic| August 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The reader is recommended to mark off the passages in a copy of the Critique .
A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' | Norman Kemp Smith
Here, however, a new sort of critique was applied to a problem which had but just now been revealed in all its length and breadth.
Edward Caldwell Moore | Edward Moore
To harmonise B 17 with the real teaching of the Critique , it must be entirely recast.
A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' | Norman Kemp Smith
Critique of all knowledge, whether a priori or empirical, determination, etc.
A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' | Norman Kemp Smith
Now with what divisions of the Critique are the two last questions connected?
A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' | Norman Kemp Smith
British Dictionary definitions for critique noun a critical essay or commentary, esp on artistic work
the act or art of criticizing
Word Origin for critique C17: from French, from Greek kritikē, from kritikos able to discern
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to critique criticism, comment, judgment, appraisal, examination, editorial, commentary, assessment, notice, study, slap, slam, exposition, pan, rap, rave, review, flak, zapper, takedown