(of two or more things, with reference to two or more things previously mentioned) referring or applying to in a parallel or sequential way: Joe and Bob escorted Betty and Alice, respectively.
Of the three nominated, Webster did the best, receiving 12 votes, Gohmert and Yoho received three and two votes, respectively.
Democrats Accidentally Save Boehner From Republican Coup|Ben Jacobs, Jackie Kucinich|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
In 2008 and 2012, Huckabee and Santorum, respectively won the Iowa Caucus, but did not make it to the finish line.
Can Huckabee Convert the GOP’s Moneymen?|Lloyd Green|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Buffalo ranked tenth in the nation, while Detroit and Pittsburgh ranked twelth and thirteenth, respectively.
The Rustbelt Roars Back From the Dead|Joel Kotkin, Richey Piiparinen|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The difference is nonetheless drastic: $220,119 and $44,453, respectively, on average per person annually.
Medicaid Will Give You Money for At-Home Care, but You Might Wait Years|Elizabeth Picciuto|December 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Jolly and Creten, who are both married to Monster Jam drivers (Neil Elliott and Jimmy Creten, respectively), have kids.
The Moms of Monster Jam Drive Trucks, Buck Macho Culture|Eliza Krigman|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This is inconsistent with the dates 1189 and 1191 which are respectively assigned to the event.
King Arthur in Cornwall|W. Howship (William Howship) Dickinson
Michael Angelo and Titian were eighty-nine and ninety-nine respectively.
Rambles in Womanland|Max O'Rell
Imps, male and female, called incubi and succubi respectively, were supposed to be the active agents in producing the affection.
Sleep and Its Derangements|William A. Hammond
It would be well if some collector in Ceylon would send home for examination the species which respectively bear these names.
Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon|J. Emerson Tennent
They rendered it, respectively, as "Pwink," "Tweelt" and "Kroosh."
Naudsonce|H. Beam Piper
British Dictionary definitions for respectively
/ (rɪˈspɛktɪvlɪ) /
(in listing a number of items or attributes that refer to another list) separately in the order givenhe gave Janet and John a cake and a chocolate respectively