to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit: He revenged his murdered brother.
to take vengeance for; inflict punishment for; avenge: He revenged his brother's murder.
verb (used without object),re·venged,re·veng·ing.
to take revenge.
the act of revenging; retaliation for injuries or wrongs; vengeance.
something done in vengeance.
the desire to revenge; vindictiveness.
an opportunity to retaliate or gain satisfaction.
Origin of revenge
1350–1400; Middle English revengen (v.) <Middle French, Old French revenger, equivalent to re-re- + venger to avenge <Latin vindicāre;see vindicate
4 requital.
synonym study for revenge
1. See avenge. 4. Revenge,reprisal,retribution,vengeance suggest a punishment, or injury inflicted in return for one received. Revenge is the carrying out of a bitter desire to injure another for a wrong done to oneself or to those who are felt to be like oneself: to plot revenge.Reprisal, formerly any act of retaliation, is used specifically in warfare for retaliation upon the enemy for its (usually unlawful) actions: to make a raid in reprisal for one by the enemy.Retribution suggests just or deserved punishment, often without personal motives, for some evil done: a just retribution for wickedness.Vengeance is usually wrathful, vindictive, furious revenge: implacable vengeance.
They weren’t looking for revenge, said Chandler Pappas, who was standing just behind his friend Danielson when Reinoehl shot him.
New Eyewitness Accounts: Feds Didn’t Identify Themselves Before Opening Fire on Portland Antifa Suspect|by Bryan Denson for ProPublica and Conrad Wilson, Oregon Public Broadcasting|October 13, 2020|ProPublica
We can easily see how the desire for vengeance may motivate someone to believe that revenge is morally appropriate, or the desire for wealth may motivate someone to believe that inequalities are justified, whether or not these moral claims are true.
The Universe Knows Right from Wrong - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Philip Goff|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
It’s a story of a woman who decides she has, at last, had enough of the abusive, stifling, cruel men she must live with — her domineering father-in-law and dissipated husband — and takes her revenge.
7 daring movie adaptations of literary classics|Allegra Frank|August 28, 2020|Vox
In a fit of rage and revenge, his father Izanagi proceeded to lop off Kagutsuchi’s head – and the spilled blood led to the creation of even more kami, including martial thunder gods, mountain gods, and even a dragon god.
12 Major Japanese Gods and Goddesses You Should Know About|Dattatreya Mandal|May 6, 2020|Realm of History
In their past calls for attacks on Western targets, AQAP has focused on putting bombs on planes, not revenge attacks.
U.S. Spies See Al Qaeda Fingerprints on Paris Massacre|Shane Harris, Nancy A. Youssef|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Only one other Star Wars film has earned a PG-13 rating, the 2005 prequel Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
Juiciest ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Rumors (and Some Debunked Ones)|Rich Goldstein|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
If they really wanted to get revenge they should have gone to Staten Island and found the cops that killed Eric Garner.
Anger at The Cop Killer - And The Police|M.L. Nestel|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Bloodthirsty calls for revenge have filled Facebook and Twitter.
Two Days After School Attack, Pakistan Court Lets Terrorists Walk Free|Chris Allbritton|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So it is possible that those regime elements—and not Kim Jong Un—did in Jang in an act of revenge at the end of last year.
Kim Jong Un: Erased?|Gordon G. Chang|October 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On him who scorned the world as he said, the scorned world wreaks its revenge.
Essays, First Series|Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is when our forgiveness is tainted that we anticipate the “sweetness” of revenge.
My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year|John Henry Jowett
Stirred at length by the instinct of revenge, they were about to pull on.
Afloat in the Forest|Mayne Reid
He had been wrong in thinking men would not risk much for the sake of revenge.
The Girl From Keller's|Harold Bindloss
Nor was revenge the only motive which led France to cast her lot with the revolted colonies.
The Land We Live In|Henry Mann
British Dictionary definitions for revenge
/ (rɪˈvɛndʒ) /
the act of retaliating for wrongs or injury received; vengeance
something done as a means of vengeance
the desire to take vengeance or retaliate
a return match, regarded as a loser's opportunity to even the score
to inflict equivalent injury or damage for (injury received); retaliate in return for
to take vengeance for (oneself or another); avenge