Another approach, called “chain hopping,” moves the money through different cryptocurrencies and blockchains to get it away from Bitcoin—where every transaction is posted to a public ledger—and into other, more private currencies.
North Korean hackers steal billions in cryptocurrency. How do they turn it into real cash?|Patrick O'Neill|September 10, 2020|MIT Technology Review
They are able to move through obscure currencies, but eventually they end in the same spot, which is moving it back to Bitcoin and through the over-the-counter market.
North Korean hackers steal billions in cryptocurrency. How do they turn it into real cash?|Patrick O'Neill|September 10, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The Mastercard initiative comes at a time of growing interest in digital currency among central banks.
Mastercard launches digital currency kit for central banks|Jeff|September 9, 2020|Fortune
Projects like Libra and, especially, the digital yuan also pose significant privacy risks, as the networks on which the currencies travel can also track who is spending money and where.
Mastercard launches digital currency kit for central banks|Jeff|September 9, 2020|Fortune
The digital currency itself is just a small part of this ideal world.
Smart stimulus: Cash as code|Claire Beatty|September 9, 2020|MIT Technology Review
At currency auctions, it traded at around 64.45 rubles to the dollar and 78.8 to the euro.
How Crimea Crashed the Russian Economy|Anna Nemtsova|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Currency problems are procyclical, which is to say that they create their own momentum.
Putin Can’t Bully or Bomb a Recession|Daniel Gross|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They say the currency devalues a few points just in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette.
Recession? Devaluation? Inflation? Putin Tells Russia Stay the Course.|Anna Nemtsova|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They form a daily currency by which we settle relationships, but they also create doubt.
Wonder Woman’s Creation Story Is Wilder Than You Could Ever Imagine|Tom Arnold-Forster|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the wildly popular HBO show Game of Thrones, blood, like sex, is currency.
Sex, Blood and Maroon 5: Pop Culture’s Wounds Run Deep|Lizzie Crocker|October 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Next in importance to the fiscal laws for the revenue of the Island comes the currency question.
Industrial Cuba|Robert P. Porter
The meaning of payment in currency, they interpreted, as giving one note for another, or four shillings for five shillings.
The History of Tasmania, Volume I (of 2)|John West
One hundred pounds English currency will just fill the bill.
The Green Mummy|Fergus Hume
So he returned home and thence despatched the amount in currency notes to Gobardhan.
Tales of Bengal|S. B. Banerjea
The last year it had expended £700 currency, and had then in its treasury £600 currency.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus|American Anti-Slavery Society
British Dictionary definitions for currency
/ (ˈkʌrənsɪ) /
a metal or paper medium of exchange that is in current use in a particular country
general acceptance or circulation; prevalencethe currency of ideas
the period of time during which something is valid, accepted, or in force
the act of being passed from person to person
Australian(formerly) the local medium of exchange, esp in the colonies, as distinct from sterling
(formerly) the native-born Australians, as distinct from the British immigrants
(as modifier)a currency lad
Word Origin for currency
C17: from Medieval Latin currentia, literally: a flowing, from Latin currere to run, flow