[ sahy -kli-kuh l, sik -li- ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈsaɪ klɪ kəl, ˈsɪk lɪ- / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective cyclic.
of or denoting a business or stock whose income, value, or earnings fluctuate widely according to variations in the economy or the cycle of the seasons: Selling Christmas decorations is a cyclical business.
noun Usually cyclicals. stocks of cyclical companies.
Origin of cyclical First recorded in 1810–20; cyclic + -al1
OTHER WORDS FROM cyclical cy·cli·cal·ly, adverb cy·cli·cal·i·ty, noun non·cy·cli·cal, adjective non·cy·cli·cal·ly, adverb
pro·cy·cli·cal, adjective
Words nearby cyclical cyclencephaly, cycle of erosion, cycle rickshaw, cyclery, cyclic, cyclical , cyclical unemployment, cyclic AMP, cyclic compound, cyclic GMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for cyclical Yet American minimalism, isolationism, realism, mind-our-own-business-ism—whatever you want to call it—is cyclical .
Rand Paul vs. the Real World | James Kirchick| September 10, 2014| DAILY BEAST
A patchwork of building shells and cratered streets, the city tells of a cyclical war, still smoldering.
Victims No More: Congo’s Badass Women Mechanics | Nina Strochlic| June 6, 2014| DAILY BEAST
In Middlesex history is not just determinative; it is also cyclical .
American Dreams: “Middlesex” by Jeffrey Eugenides | Nathaniel Rich| November 29, 2012| DAILY BEAST
But the idea that tax reform will jump-start an economy suffering from the after-effects of a cyclical downturn is nonsense.
Can Tax Reform Jump-Start the Economy? | Justin Green| October 16, 2012| DAILY BEAST
We are seeing CO2 going up—it is a measurable trend, not a cyclical phenomenon.
Earth Day: Discussing the Coming Climate Crisis With Heidi Cullen | Dominique Browning| April 22, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Beard, who attaches importance to the persistence of a cyclical period in gestation, calls it the muffled striking of the clock.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 (of 6) | Havelock Ellis
A vast preponderance of all the action that takes place around us is cyclical action.
Selections from Previous Works | Samuel Butler
If the straight line be assumed as the positive, the cyclical is then the negation of the straight.
Biographia Literaria | Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Physical science does not confuse these; it never mistakes nor denies specific function, organic progression, cyclical growth.
Bits About Home Matters | Helen Hunt Jackson
It was at one time supposed that the course of the disease was cyclical , with a return at intervals of about one hundred years.
A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I | Various
Words related to cyclical repetitive, periodic, seasonal, circular, recurrent, regular, repeated, patterned, recurring