单词 | dab |
释义 | dab1[ dab ] / dæb / SEE SYNONYMS FOR dab ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used with object), dabbed, dab·bing.verb (used without object), dabbed, dab·bing.to strike lightly; make a dab; pat: She dabbed at the stain on her dress. to consume cannabis by inhaling the vapor of heated cannabis extract oil. She dabs for a more intense high. nounOrigin of dab1First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English verb dabben “to strike, hit,” of uncertain origin; compare Old Icelandic dabba “to strike, tap,” Norwegian dabbe “to shuffle along, walk slowly,” Middle Dutch dabben “to pinch, knead,” German tappen “to feel along, grope” SYNONYMS FOR dab10 pat, bit; dollop, smidgen. SEE SYNONYMS FOR dab ON THESAURUS.COM Definition for dab (2 of 4)dab2 [ dab ] / dæb / nounany of several flatfishes of the genus Limanda, especially the European flatfish, L. limanda. Origin of dab2First recorded in 1570–80; perhaps special use of dab1 Definition for dab (3 of 4)dab3 [ dab ] / dæb / nounAlso called dab hand . a person skilled in something; an expert. an excellent or extraordinary person or thing. adjectiveexpert; excellent; extraordinary. Origin of dab3First recorded in 1685–95; of uncertain origin Definition for dab (4 of 4)DAB Dictionary of American Biography. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for dabBritish Dictionary definitions for dab (1 of 4)dab1 / (dæb) / verb dabs, dabbing or dabbedto touch lightly and quickly (tr) to daub with short tapping strokesto dab the wall with paint (tr) to apply (paint, cream, etc) with short tapping strokes nouna small amount, esp of something soft or moista dab of ink a small light stroke or tap, as with the hand (often plural) mainly British a slang word for fingerprint Word Origin for dabC14: of imitative origin British Dictionary definitions for dab (2 of 4)dab2 / (dæb) / nouna small common European brown flatfish, Limanda limanda, covered with rough toothed scales: family Pleuronectidae: a food fish (often plural) any of various other small flatfish, esp floundersCompare sand dab Also called: patiki a sand flounder, Rhombosolea plebia, common around New Zealand's South Island Word Origin for dabC15: from Anglo-French dabbe, of uncertain origin British Dictionary definitions for dab (3 of 4)dab3 / (dæb) / nounBritish informal See dab hand Word Origin for dabC17: perhaps from dab 1 (vb) British Dictionary definitions for dab (4 of 4)DAB abbreviation fordigital audio broadcasting Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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