Some of it has to be attributed to the ridiculous offensive environment we have seen in the bubble.
Monster Games In The NBA Playoffs Aren’t Automatically Translating To Wins|Jared Dubin|August 26, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
In my driveway during lunchtime I felt ridiculous swinging a kettlebell.
The Gym-Free Pandemic Workout: Kettlebells, Indian Clubs, Sandbags, Oh My!|Eugene Robinson|August 25, 2020|Ozy
We’re coming up with such a ridiculous answer that it really forces us to reinvestigate every single assumption that we made along the way to get there.
The Physicist Who Slayed Gravity’s Ghosts|Thomas Lewton|August 18, 2020|Quanta Magazine
The telltale sign of these problems is that models claiming to predict past elections extremely well often produce inaccurate — or even ridiculous — answers when applied to elections in which the result is unknown ahead of time.
How FiveThirtyEight’s 2020 Presidential Forecast Works — And What’s Different Because Of COVID-19|Nate Silver (|August 12, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Shepard said he’s always dismissed allegations of voter fraud through mail voting as ridiculous, based on the validation steps followed by registrars in California, and by San Diego Registrar Michael Vu in particular.
GOP Chair Who Called Mail Voting ‘Fraught With Danger’ Voted by Mail 22 Straight Times|Andrew Keatts|August 10, 2020|Voice of San Diego
As it turns out, though, cartoon curmudgeons get the best, most ridiculous lines.
‘Downton Abbey’ Review: A Fire, Some Sex, and Sad, Sad Edith|Kevin Fallon|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Pitchfork called him a “a rap-obsessed misfit from a summer camp who freestyles poorly” who is “ridiculous without knowing it.”
The Cult of Yung Lean: ‘I’m Building An Anarchistic Society From the Ground Up’|Marlow Stern|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
It was fearless and raunchy and fun and ridiculous and weird and feminist and powerful.
Bow Down, Bitches: How Beyoncé Turned an Elevator Brawl Into a Perfect Year|Kevin Fallon|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Marriage is a bond and a commitment—marrying yourself is ridiculous because you are already married to yourself.
Why Singles Should Say ‘I Don’t’ to The Self-Marriage Movement|Tim Teeman|December 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Bashing commercialism at a commercial gathering would be ridiculous.
Sneer and Clothing in Miami: Inside The $3 Billion Woodstock of Contemporary Art|Jay Michaelson|December 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It is a ridiculous thing for the Holby people to do; but I have to go to play the patroness.
Cord and Creese|James de Mille
The worst enemy of M. le Duc d'Orleans could not have devised a more rash and ridiculous undertaking.
The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete|Duc de Saint-Simon
Then the father laughed; and Arne felt it was ridiculous and began, too.
Arne; A Sketch of Norwegian Country Life|Bjrnstjerne Bjrnson
Love is ridiculous or insipid in nearly all his other works.
Initiation into Literature|Emile Faguet
But centrifugal force had rendered them ridiculous, and the public never sympathises with those whom ridicule has covered.
The Lion's Share|E. Arnold Bennett
British Dictionary definitions for ridiculous
/ (rɪˈdɪkjʊləs) /
worthy of or exciting ridicule; absurd, preposterous, laughable, or contemptible
“Ludicrous” vs. “Ridiculous”: How To Use Each WordWe won't laugh at you if you mix up ludicrous and ridiculous sometimes. But we do think it would be foolish not to read up on their precise differences.