A single volunteer’s illness has sparked a temporary halt to the late-stage clinical trial of a leading coronavirus vaccine, an action that highlights the level of rigor needed to ensure that a vaccine is safe and effective, experts say.
Here’s what pausing the AstraZeneca-Oxford coronavirus vaccine trial really means|Aimee Cunningham|September 9, 2020|Science News
There are intense physical rigors involved in riding a rocket into orbit and living in microgravity for more than a few days.
When will we see ordinary people going into space?|Neel Patel|September 9, 2020|MIT Technology Review
You want something that will stand up to the rigors of the great outdoors, but won’t weigh you down.
Hydration bladders for outdoor adventures|PopSci Commerce Team|September 1, 2020|Popular Science
It’s hard to imagine a successful program of making a non-scientifically trained public interested in adopting the rigors of scientific habits of mind.
How Pseudoscientists Get Away With It - Facts So Romantic|Stuart Firestein|August 28, 2020|Nautilus
The results have been posted online but not yet published in a medical journal, and theydon’t have the same rigor as a clinical trial, which typically compares a treatment to the standard of care.
Trump’s push to approve COVID-19 convalescent plasma treatment could delay efforts to better understand it|Claire Zillman, reporter|August 24, 2020|Fortune
Yet by equating their engineering with Teutonic rigor the Germans have created the impression of an exclusive proprietary quality.
Nationalism on Four Wheels|Clive Irving|October 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
When examined with any rigor, the stereotypes circulating about current-day hipsters make no sense whatsoever.
Why Do We Hate Hipsters So F'ing Much?|Ted Gioia|July 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Her compositions exude a rigor and tightness,” said Lori Bookstein, whose Chelsea gallery has represented Malcolm since 2003.
The Artist Formerly Known as Janet Malcolm|Lauren Du Graf|June 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The Daily Pic: Ragnar Kjartansson sings a song of sentiment and rigor.
An Icelander's Hymn to High Tech|Blake Gopnik|February 15, 2013|DAILY BEAST
I bedded down for this debate, Scotch in hand, expecting to be bored five ways to rigor mortis.
Was That Obama’s Dud Double Who Lost the Debate to Romney?|Tunku Varadarajan|October 4, 2012|DAILY BEAST
This age lasted long, but its rigor slowly passed away, and it merged gradually into the second era, which was one of mind.
Daybreak: A Romance of an Old World|James Cowan
Before the rigor of winter had set in, Tatoka brought to his bride many buffalo skins.
Old Indian Days|[AKA Ohiyesa], Charles A. Eastman
A single instance will serve to display the rigor, and even cruelty, of Aurelian.
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire|Edward Gibbon
Rigor mortis usually sets in early, and chemical decomposition invades the tissues speedily.
A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II|Various
The rigor was evidently a nervous phenomenon, and not a chill, for it occurred when the temperature was rising.
A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I|Various
British Dictionary definitions for rigor
/ (ˈraɪɡɔː, ˈrɪɡə) /
meda sudden feeling of chilliness, often accompanied by shivering: it sometimes precedes a fever
(ˈrɪɡə) patholrigidity of a muscle; muscular cramp
a state of rigidity assumed by some animals in reaction to sudden shock
the inertia assumed by some plants in conditions unfavourable to growth