[ rip ] SHOW IPA
verb (used with object), ripped, rip·ping. to cut or tear apart in a rough or vigorous manner: to rip open a seam; to rip up a sheet.
to cut or tear away in a rough or vigorous manner: to rip bark from a tree.
to saw (wood) in the direction of the grain.
Digital Technology . to copy (audio or video files from a CD, DVD, or website) to a hard drive or mobile device, typically by extracting the raw data and changing the file format in the process: Can you rip this CD for me? Compare burn1 (def. 29). See also DAE
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used without object), ripped, rip·ping. to become torn apart or split open: Cheap cloth rips easily.
Informal . to move with violence or great speed: The sports car ripped along in a cloud of dust and exhaust fumes.
noun a rent made by ripping; tear.
Slang . a cheat, swindle, or theft; ripoff: The average consumer doesn't realize that the new tax is a rip.
Verb Phrases rip into, Informal . to attack physically or verbally; assail.
rip off, Slang . to steal or pilfer. to rob or steal from. to swindle, cheat, or exploit; take advantage of: phony charity appeals that rip off a gullible public. rip out, Informal . to utter angrily, as with an oath or exclamation.
Idioms for riplet rip , Slang . to utter a series of oaths; swear. to speak or write violently, rapidly, or at great length. to allow to proceed at full speed or without restraint. Origin of rip 1 First recorded in 1400–50; 1960–65 for def. 10 ; Middle English rippen “to tear out (seams, sutures), rip, rip off”; further origin uncertain; obscurely akin to Frisian rippe, Middle Dutch rippen, reppen; compare dialectal English ripple “to scratch”
synonym study for rip 1 . See tear2 .
OTHER WORDS FROM rip rip·pa·ble, adjective un·rip·pa·ble, adjective
WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH rip burglarize, mug, rip off , rob, steal Words nearby rip riot gun, riotous, riotous living, riot shield, riot squad, rip , riparian, riparian right, rip cord, rip current, ripe
Definition for rip (2 of 5) [ rip ] SHOW IPA
noun a stretch of turbulent water at sea or in a river.
Origin of rip 2 First recorded in 1765–75; see origin at rip1 , ripple1
Definition for rip (3 of 5) [ rip ] SHOW IPA
noun Informal . a dissolute or worthless person.
a worthless or worn-out horse.
something of little or no value.
Origin of rip 3 First recorded in 1770–80; of uncertain origin; possibly alteration of rep, shortened form of reprobate
Definition for rip (4 of 5) [ rip ] SHOW IPA
noun a male given name, form of Robert.
Definition for rip (5 of 5) may he or she (or they) rest in peace.
Origin of R.I.P. <Latin requiēscat (or requiēscant ) in pāce
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for rip The company also has a lifetime warranty for any rip s or frays, which is pretty bold given that sheets, like all cloth, inevitably show signs of wear.
Home and office products that make sure-fire gifts | PopSci Commerce Team| October 8, 2020| Popular Science
One of the interview questions asking about vacuum decay was incorrectly presented as being about the big rip scenario.
This Cosmologist Knows How It’s All Going to End | Dan Falk| June 22, 2020| Quanta Magazine
Though the good gut bugs are likely beneficial for some, companies are using the label to rip off consumers.
Your Probiotic Is Probably B.S. | Carrie Arnold| June 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Those are the roots, the immovable ties blind to ethics probes and corruption charges that are difficult to rip from the ground.
Charlie Rangel Dances On | Gideon Resnick| June 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The RIP offers a clear window into the intersection of poverty and vermin.
Crowdsourcing NYC’s War on Rats | Kevin Zawacki| June 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
If you tear that bond the rip leaves open scars where the glue once was.
Brits Celebrate Phin Lyman, The Boy Virgin Who Says He’ll Wait for Love | Nico Hines| May 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Nausea is the next assault, a wave so powerful it threatens to rip out your insides.
Hallucinating Away a Heroin Addiction | Abby Haglage| May 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The Connie sensed something and turned, just as Rip and Dowst flashed downward on his two mates.
Rip Foster in Ride the Gray Planet | Harold Leland Goodwin
Rip watched his dosimeter climb steadily as the radiation dosage mounted.
Rip Foster in Ride the Gray Planet | Harold Leland Goodwin
"I'll rip ," said Desire, with a slight emphasis; putting her book down, and coming over for a skirt and a pair of scissors.
Real Folks | Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney
Then with a knife or scissors, rip lining around both cuffs.
The Copeland Method | Vanness Copeland
As Rip watched, fire spurted from the cruiser, and it moved with gathering speed toward the asteroid's horizon.
Rip Foster in Ride the Gray Planet | Harold Leland Goodwin
British Dictionary definitions for rip (1 of 4) verb rips , ripping or ripped to tear or be torn violently or roughly; split or be rent
(tr ; foll by off or out) to remove hastily, carelessly, or roughly they ripped out all the old kitchen units
(intr) informal to move violently or precipitously; rush headlong
(intr foll by into ) informal to pour violent abuse (on); make a verbal attack (on)
(tr) to saw or split (wood) in the direction of the grain
(tr) informal computing to copy (music or software) without permission or making any payment
let rip to act or speak without restraint
SEE MORE SEE LESS noun the place where something is torn; a tear or split
short for ripsaw
See also rip off, rip on, rip up
Derived forms of rip rippable , adjective Word Origin for rip C15: perhaps from Flemish rippen ; compare Middle Dutch rippen to pull
British Dictionary definitions for rip (2 of 4) noun short for riptide (def. 1)
Word Origin for rip C18: perhaps from rip 1
British Dictionary definitions for rip (3 of 4) noun informal , archaic something or someone of little or no value
an old worn-out horse
a dissolute character; reprobate
Word Origin for rip C18: perhaps altered from rep , shortened from reprobate
British Dictionary definitions for rip (4 of 4) abbreviation for requiescat or requiescant in pace
Word Origin for RIP Latin: may he, she, or they rest in peace
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Idioms and Phrases with rip In addition to the idioms beginning with rip
ripe old age rip into rip off SEE MORE ORIGINS SEE FEWER ORIGINS
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Words related to rip slit, burst, hack, score, split, shred, gash, laceration, rent, slash, cleavage, hole, rive, cleave, rend, lacerate, claw, fray, frazzle
Cultural definitions for rip The abbreviation for “rest in peace,” often found on gravestones or in obituaries. From the Latin, requiescat in pace .
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Scientific definitions for rip A stretch of water in a river, estuary, or tidal channel made rough by waves meeting an opposing current.
A rip current.
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.