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[ daw-ning ] / ˈdɔ nɪŋ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR dawning ON THESAURUS.COM
noundaybreak; dawn. beginning; start: the dawning of the space age. Origin of dawningMiddle English; see dawn, -ing1 OTHER WORDS FROM dawningun·dawn·ing, adjectiveWords nearby dawningDawkins, dawn, dawn chorus, dawney, dawn horse, dawning, dawn on, dawn patrol, dawn phenomenon, dawn raid, dawn redwood Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for dawningI think this realization is dawning on much of the media as well. Elijah Cummings Fights Back|Michael Tomasky|June 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST But perhaps, just perhaps, we are starting to see a dawning unease among politicians of both parties. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich's Hypocrisy on Super PACs|Michael Waldman|December 21, 2011|DAILY BEAST Suddenly it is dawning on everyone, including members of Congress, just how much power Facebook is amassing. Facebook Woos Washington|Dan Lyons|April 20, 2011|DAILY BEAST From the dawning of silent films, moviemakers have turned to books for grist. The 5 Best Novels on Hollywood|Jane Ciabattari|March 6, 2010|DAILY BEAST
And yet in an interview, Krikorian, too, seems oddly sanguine about the dawning of the Obama era. Obama's Next Battle|Bryan Curtis|December 20, 2009|DAILY BEAST Suddenly she threw back her head; her chip hat fell back from her face, rosy with a dawning inspiration! From Sand Hill to Pine|Bret Harte Even to have seen one's duty is the dawning in us of this high desire. Edward Caldwell Moore|Edward Moore The dawning day trembled through the trees still half-bare, for it was the month of May. The Coming of Cuculain|Standish O'Grady The dissatisfaction on his face had given place to perplexity and a faint, dawning wonder that was like the birth of Hope. The Tidal Wave and Other Stories|Ethel May Dell The vicar spoke warmly, but the significance of the incident was dawning slowly on his perplexed mind. The Revellers|Louis Tracy
Words related to dawningdaybreak, morning, daylight, sunup, morn, cockcrow, sunrise, crack of dawn |