(Jo·sé) Fruc·tuo·so[haw-se frook-twaw-saw], /hɔˈsɛ frukˈtwɔ sɔ/, 1790?–1854, Uruguayan revolutionary and political leader: president of Uruguay 1830–34, 1839–42.
Mi·guel Pri·mo de[mee-gel -pree-maw the]. /miˈgɛl ˈpri mɔ ðɛ/. Primo de Rivera, Miguel.
a city in N Uruguay.
Words nearby Rivera
rivalry, rive, rivel, riven, river, Rivera, Rivera, Diego, riverbank, riverbank grape, river basin, riverbed
After all, voters in South Florida do have some standards, and Rivera has long since burned all his political bridges.
Former Congressman May Be Future Convict|Ben Jacobs|August 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Rick Wilson, a top Florida GOP political consultant, describes Rivera as “a wily character ... [who has] run out of tricks.”
Former Congressman May Be Future Convict|Ben Jacobs|August 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Rivera is a Cuban-American from South Florida who served one term in Congress from 2011-2013.
Former Congressman May Be Future Convict|Ben Jacobs|August 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Now that Alliegro has pled guilty, the expectation is that Rivera will not be referred to as “unindicted” for much longer.
Former Congressman May Be Future Convict|Ben Jacobs|August 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And while Alliegro was on the lam in Central America, Rivera reportedly visited her several times.
Former Congressman May Be Future Convict|Ben Jacobs|August 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Twice in the tenth, Rivera put through the right-uppercut, lifted from waist to opponent's chin.
The Night-Born|Jack London
Spider Hagerty talked advice to him, but Rivera knew it was wrong advice.
The Night-Born|Jack London
Rivera backed and circled away, yet he knew, sooner or later, the clinch and the trick would come.
The Night-Born|Jack London
On the whole Rivera found the presidios in fair condition, but encountered many abuses.
The Colonization of North America|Herbert Eugene Bolton
Rivera, however, constitutes by no means the sole mineral district of Uruguay.
Uruguay|W. H. Koebel
British Dictionary definitions for Rivera
/ (Spanishriˈβera) /
Diego (ˈdjeɣo). 1886–1957, Mexican painter, noted for his monumental murals in public buildings, which are influenced by Aztec art and depict revolutionary themes