

单词 deak

Example sentences from the Web for Deak

  • Deak demanded the extension to the peasant of the right of buying land, and better security for person and property.

    The Revolutionary Movement of 1848-9 in Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany|C. Edmund (Charles Edmund) Maurice
  • But the Magyar cry of alarm at the demands of the Slavs was now echoed by a fiercer voice than that of Deak.

    The Revolutionary Movement of 1848-9 in Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany|C. Edmund (Charles Edmund) Maurice
  • Deak's spirit, in the person of Andrassy, recovered the possession of power.

    Prince Zilah, Complete|Jules Claretie


/ (ˈdɛɑːk) /


Ferenc (ˈferents). 1803–76, Hungarian statesman: minister of justice following the 1848 Hungarian uprising. The Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy was largely his creation

Words nearby Deak

deafferentation, deaf-mute, deafmutism, deafness, deaf without speech, Deak, Deakin, deal, dealate, dealcoholization, dealcoholize
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