

单词 decide


[ dih-sahyd ]
/ dɪˈsaɪd /

verb (used with object), de·cid·ed, de·cid·ing.

to solve or conclude (a question, controversy, or struggle) by giving victory to one side: The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff.
to determine or settle (something in dispute or doubt): to decide an argument.
to bring (a person) to a decision; persuade or convince: The new evidence decided him.

verb (used without object), de·cid·ed, de·cid·ing.

to settle something in dispute or doubt: The judge decided in favor of the plaintiff.
to make a judgment or determine a preference; come to a conclusion.

Origin of decide

1350–1400; Middle English deciden<Middle French decider<Latin dēcīdere literally, to cut off, equivalent to dē-de- + -cīdere (combining form of caedere to cut)

synonym study for decide

1. Decide, resolve, determine imply settling upon a purpose and being able to adhere to it. To decide is to make up one's mind as to what shall be done and the way to do it: He decided to go today. To resolve is to show firmness of purpose: He resolved to ask for a promotion. To determine is to make up one's mind and then to stick to a fixed or settled purpose: determined to maintain his position at all costs.


de·cid·er, nounpre·de·cide, verb (used with object), pre·de·cid·ed, pre·de·cid·ing.re·de·cide, verb, re·de·cid·ed, re·de·cid·ing.

Words nearby decide

deci-, deciare, decibar, decibel, decidable, decide, decided, decider, deciding, decidua, decidua basalis
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for decide

/ (dɪˈsaɪd) /


(may take a clause or an infinitive as object; when intr, sometimes foll by on or about) to reach a decisiondecide what you want; he decided to go
(tr) to cause (a person) to reach a decisionthe weather decided me against going
(tr) to determine or settle (a contest or question)he decided his future plans
(tr) to influence decisively the outcome of (a contest or question)Borg's stamina decided the match
(intr; foll by for or against) to pronounce a formal verdict

Word Origin for decide

C14: from Old French decider, from Latin dēcīdere, literally: to cut off, from caedere to cut
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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