verb (used without object),de·creased,de·creas·ing.
to diminish or lessen in extent, quantity, strength, power, etc.: During the ten-day march across the desert their supply of water decreased rapidly.
verb (used with object),de·creased,de·creas·ing.
to make less; cause to diminish: to decrease one's work load.
the act or process of decreasing; condition of being decreased; gradual reduction: a decrease in sales; a decrease in intensity.
the amount by which a thing is lessened: The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.
Origin of decrease
1350–1400; Middle English decres (noun), decresen (v.) <Old French decreiss-, long stem of decreistre<Latin dēcrēscere (dē-de- + crēscere to grow); see crescent
1 wane, lessen, fall off, decline, contract, abate.
1. Decrease,diminish,dwindle,shrink imply becoming smaller or less in amount. Decrease commonly implies a sustained reduction in stages, especially of bulk, size, volume, or quantity, often from some imperceptible cause or inherent process: The swelling decreased daily.Diminish usually implies the action of some external cause that keeps taking away: Disease caused the number of troops to diminish steadily.Dwindle implies an undesirable reduction by degrees, resulting in attenuation: His followers dwindled to a mere handful.Shrink especially implies contraction through an inherent property under specific conditions: Many fabrics shrink in hot water.
That’s actually a decrease from 2014, when 8 million taxpayers made a payment.
Trump’s ABC News town hall: Four Pinocchios, over and over again|Glenn Kessler|September 16, 2020|Washington Post
Luckily, however, that meant a steep decrease in the average production costs, according to Fitzgibbons.
‘Our goal is to become a massive marketplace’: NTWRK is bringing livestream commerce to a younger generation|Kayleigh Barber|September 14, 2020|Digiday
After three days, all five showed a measurable decrease in systolic blood pressure, a drop in heart rate, and an increase in creativity and feelings of well-being.
The decline is likely partially the result of an overall decrease in streaming after Covid-19 hit the US, due to the absence of people listening to music on commutes and in stores.
Is Spotify killing the top 40?|Dan Kopf|September 5, 2020|Quartz
For example, pages with more than 500,000 likes on Facebook have seen a dramatic decrease in reach, possibly to encourage companies to increase their ad spend.
Five reasons why SEO should be prioritized over paid media campaigns|Ryan Gould|September 4, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Police Superintendent Michael Harrison said the decline was a result of an effort to decrease gang violence.