Prospect’s claim appears to refer to a written response from Aleman’s attorney to its assertion, in a letter threatening legal action, that Aleman had made three specific “defamatory” statements about the company to ProPublica.
A Hospital Chain Said Our Article Was Inaccurate. It’s Not.|by Peter Elkind|October 12, 2020|ProPublica
In a letter responding to the company, Aleman’s lawyer denied that his client made any defamatory statements.
Investors Extracted $400 Million From a Hospital Chain That Sometimes Couldn’t Pay for Medical Supplies or Gas for Ambulances|by Peter Elkind with Doris Burke|September 30, 2020|ProPublica
A Prospect lawyer also wrote Aleman, accusing him of making “false and defamatory” statements to ProPublica.
Investors Extracted $400 Million From a Hospital Chain That Sometimes Couldn’t Pay for Medical Supplies or Gas for Ambulances|by Peter Elkind with Doris Burke|September 30, 2020|ProPublica
The jurors could “send a message” that bitter, defamatory blogging and tweeting was unacceptable.
The Weirdest Story About a Conservative Obsession, a Convicted Bomber, and Taylor Swift You Have Ever Read|David Weigel|August 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She calls shady allusions about her family “defamatory and degrading,” and “clearly anti-Semitic.”
We Watch the DSK Sex Romp So You Don’t Have To|Tracy McNicoll|May 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Singer and his legal representatives have denied all claims, calling them defamatory and “without merit.”
Will Naming And Shaming Prove to be a Winning Strategy For Bryan Singer's Accuser?|Eboni K. Williams|April 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We are very confident that Bryan will be vindicated in this absurd and defamatory lawsuit.
Inside Hollywood’s ‘Twink’ Pool Parties|Scott Bixby|April 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Why call his speech before the United Nations “defamatory and venomous… full of mendacious propaganda?”