More than a century of deferred work, however, means it’s hard to get into places that need thinning.
Suppressing fires has failed. Here’s what California needs to do instead.|James Temple|September 17, 2020|MIT Technology Review
On July 23, an anonymous foundation employee told Eater that the lengthy list of demands was “met with more gaslighting and deferred action.”
The Mess That Is the 2020 James Beard Awards, Explained|Elazar Sontag|September 11, 2020|Eater
The report noted customer satisfaction scores may have been boosted by the fact that many callers were seeking deferred payment arrangements during the pandemic—and getting them.
The future of the call center|Alan Murray|September 11, 2020|Fortune
That is until August, where digital ad revenue was up year-on-year due to the release of pent up demand or deferred campaigns.
‘We’re getting more used to the uncertainty’: BBC Global News chief on ad-funded news|Lucinda Southern|September 10, 2020|Digiday
While this deferred action is controversial in the United States, in Mexico, what Obama did is universally popular.
Why Mexicans Are Enraged by Obama’s Big Tuesday Meeting|Ruben Navarrette Jr.|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
But for those on the Israeli right who are hoping that this deferred dream will just fade away, they can forget it.
In the Middle East, the Two-State Solution Is Dead|Dean Obeidallah|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The U.S. Air Force would not officially comment on the matter and deferred all queries to the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Are Russian Bombers Flying Nuclear Drills Near Europe—Or Just Testing NATO’s Defenses?|Dave Majumdar|October 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A companion bill slated for a vote to defund DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) was shelved.
Pelosi to Boehner: I Quashed Impeachment, and So Can You|Eleanor Clift|August 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A place where dreams are deferred on a daily basis simply because the child happens to be born Palestinian.
Chris Christie Dares to Speak the Truth About Palestinians|Dean Obeidallah|March 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But she deferred till the following night, and to wisdom more dread than her own, the counsels that should sway his decision.
Harold, Complete|Edward Bulwer-Lytton
His advice was asked about styles of playing and modes of instruction; he was deferred to as an authority.
Richard Vandermarck|Miriam Coles Harris
Finally it was proposed that the distribution of wheat should be deferred until every man had proved his pedigree.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 7|Elbert Hubbard
The motion commands have the deferred bit, thus, the program halts.
Preliminary Specifications: Programmed Data Processor Model Three (PDP-3)|Digital Equipment Corporation
Jean absented himself during the day, but on the following morning insisted that his nuptials should no longer be deferred.
The Forest of Vazon|Anonymous
British Dictionary definitions for deferred
/ (dɪˈfɜːd) /
withheld over a certain period; postponeda deferred payment
(of shares) ranking behind other types of shares for dividend