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[ rolf ] / rɒlf / SEE SYNONYMS FOR rolf ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used without object) Slang.Origin of rolf1970–75, Americanism; apparently variant of ralph Words nearby rolfrole-play, role-playing, role-playing game, role set, role strain, rolf, Rolfe, Rolfing, Rolf Kraki, roll, Rolla Definition for rolf (2 of 3)[ rawlf, rolf ] / rɔlf, rɒlf /
verb (used with object)to massage using the techniques of Rolfing. Origin of Rolf11965–70; after Ida P. Rolf (1897–1979), U.S. physiotherapist who invented the techniques OTHER WORDS FROM RolfRolfer, nounDefinition for rolf (3 of 3)[ rolf ] / rɒlf /
nounAlso called Rolf the Ganger [gang-er]. /ˈgæŋ ər/. Rollo (def. 1). a male given name: from Scandinavian words meaning “glory” and “wolf.” Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for rolfViktor and Rolf were definitely giving a nod to prep girls, allowed to have a designer Friday. Viktor & Rolf's Prep School|Liza Foreman|September 28, 2013|DAILY BEAST For their much-anticipated return to couture, Viktor & Rolf went zen. Viktor & Rolf’s Return to Couture for Fall 2013: Going Zen|Liza Foreman|July 3, 2013|DAILY BEAST Designers Victor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren had the opposite problem. Paris Fall Fashion Week Ends With Vuitton and Kanye|Robin Givhan|March 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST “Rolf went way off the reservation with that one,” says this former executive, who is familiar with Stringer's thinking. Sony's Family Saga|Peter Lauria|May 12, 2010|DAILY BEAST
There he met his 12-year-old son Rolf; Mengele was introduced as “Uncle Fritz.” The 'Nazi Twin' Myth|Gerald Posner|November 30, 2009|DAILY BEAST Rolf tried to laugh at all this: but he could not contradict it. Feats on the Fiord|Harriet Martineau And Rolf sprang to the edge of the cliffs and gazed upon the water. The Story of Rolf and the Viking's Bow|Allen French In the drawin-room Rolf was a hunter: the leading inhabitants of the region around received him gladly and honoured him. Rolf In The Woods|Ernest Thompson Seton They made a fire at once, and while Rolf got the mid-day meal of tea and venison, Quonab skinned the fisher. Rolf In The Woods|Ernest Thompson Seton Rolf leaped over the first, but the second sprang, caught him by the slack of the trouser leg, and hung on. Rolf In The Woods|Ernest Thompson Seton
British Dictionary definitions for rolfCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to rolfrub, caress, pat, push, stroke, press, stimulate, manipulate, rub down |