单词 | roll |
释义 | roll[ rohl ] / roʊl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR roll ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used without object)to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over, as a ball or a wheel. to move or be moved on wheels, as a vehicle or its occupants. to flow or advance in a stream or with an undulating motion, as water, waves, or smoke. to extend in undulations, as land. to elapse, pass, or move, as time (often followed by on, away, or by). to move as in a cycle (usually followed by round or around): as soon as summer rolls round again. to perform a periodical revolution in an orbit, as a heavenly body. to emit or have a deep, prolonged sound, as thunder, drums, etc. to trill, as a bird. to revolve or turn over, once or repeatedly, as a wheel on an axis or a person or animal lying down. to turn around in different directions or in a circle, as the eyes in their sockets. (of a vessel)
to walk with a swinging or swaying gait. Informal. to begin to move or operate; start; commence: Let's roll at sunrise. Informal. to go forward or advance without restrictions or impediments: The economy is finally beginning to roll. to curl up so as to form a tube or cylinder. to admit of being formed into a tube or cylinder by curling up. to be spread out after being curled up (usually followed by out). to spread out as under a roller: The paint rolls easily. Aviation. (of an aircraft or rocket) to deviate from a stable flight attitude by rotation about its longitudinal axis. verb (used with object)to cause to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over, as a cask, a ball, or a hoop. to move along on wheels or rollers; convey in a wheeled vehicle. to drive, impel, or cause to flow onward with a sweeping or undulating motion: The wind rolled the waves high on the beach. to utter or give forth with a full, flowing, continuous sound: rolling his orotund phrases. to trill: I have trouble rolling my R’s in Spanish. to cause to revolve or turn over or over and over: to roll oneself on one's face. to cause to sway or rock from side to side, as a ship. to wrap (something) around an axis, around upon itself, or into a cylindrical shape, ball, or the like: to roll string. to make by forming a tube or cylinder: to roll a cigarette. to spread out flat (something curled up) (often followed by out): He rolled the map out on the table. to wrap, enfold, or envelop, as in some covering: to roll a child in a blanket. to spread out, level, smooth, compact, or the like, as with a rolling pin, roller, the hands, etc.: to roll dough; to roll a tennis court. to form (metal) in a rolling mill. to tumble (metal pieces and abrasives) in a box or barrel in such a way that their relative positions remain the same. to beat (a drum) with rapid, continuous strokes. (in certain games, as craps) to cast, or throw (dice). Printing. to apply (ink) with a roller or series of rollers. Slang.
Slang. to defeat (an adversary) soundly: The home team rolled the visiting team and ran up the score in the final minutes of the game. Slang. to deceive or manipulate (a decision-maker or influencer) in order to get one’s way or advance one’s agenda: The inexperienced new chairman was rolled by executives who never supported the company’s rebranding efforts. nouna document of paper, parchment, or the like, that is or may be rolled up, as for storing; scroll. a list, register, or catalog, especially one containing the names of the persons belonging to a company, class, society, etc. anything rolled up in a ringlike or cylindrical form: a roll of wire. a number of papers or other items rolled up together. a length of cloth, wallpaper, or the like, rolled up in cylindrical form (often forming a definite measure). a cylindrical or rounded mass of something: rolls of fat. some article of cylindrical or rounded form, as a molding. a cylindrical piece upon which something is rolled along to facilitate moving. a cylinder serving as a core upon which something is rolled up. a roller with which something is spread out, leveled, crushed, smoothed, compacted, or the like. Cooking.
the act or process or an instance of rolling. undulation, as of a surface: the roll of a prairie. a sonorous or rhythmical flow of words. a deep, prolonged sound, as of thunder: the deep roll of a breaking wave. the trill of certain birds, especially of the roller canary. the continuous sound of a drum rapidly beaten. a rolling motion, as of a ship. a rolling or swaying gait. Aerospace.
(in various dice games)
Verb Phrasesroll back,
roll in, Informal.
roll out,
roll over,
roll up,
Idioms for roll
on a roll, roll in the hay, Slang. an instance of sexual intercourse. roll one's eyes, to turn one's eyes around in different directions or in a circle, especially as an expression of disbelief, annoyance, or impatience: He rolled his eyes when he heard the stupid joke. roll with the punches, Informal. punch1 (def. 16). strike off / from the rolls, to remove from membership or practice, as to disbar: He will surely be struck off the rolls if this conduct continues. Origin of rollFirst recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English noun (in senses referring to rolled or round objects): “scroll, inscribed scroll, register, cylindrical object,” from Old French ro(u)lle, from Latin rotulus, rotula “small wheel,” diminutive of rota “wheel”; (in senses referring to motion) derivative of the verb; Middle English verb rollen, from Old French rol(l)er, from assumed Vulgar Latin rotulāre, derivative of Latin rotulus, rotula; see origin at rotate1, see -ule SYNONYMS FOR roll1 revolve, rotate. 3 wave, undulate. 4 undulate. 12 swing, tilt. 49 spindle. SEE SYNONYMS FOR roll ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for roll42. See list1. OTHER WORDS FROM rollroll·a·ble, adjectivere·roll, verbun·roll·a·ble, adjectivewell-rolled, adjectiveWORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH rollrole, rollWords nearby rollrole strain, rolf, Rolfe, Rolfing, Rolf Kraki, roll, Rolla, Rolland, roll-around, rollatini, rollaway Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for roll
British Dictionary definitions for rollroll / (rəʊl) / verbto move or cause to move along by turning over and over to move or cause to move along on wheels or rollers to flow or cause to flow onwards in an undulating movementbillows of smoke rolled over the ground (intr) (of animals, etc) to turn onto the back and kickthe hills roll down to the sea (intr) to extend in undulationsthe hills roll down to the sea (intr usually foll by around) to move or occur in cycles (intr) (of a planet, the moon, etc) to revolve in an orbit (intr ; foll by on, by, etc) to pass or elapsethe years roll by to rotate or cause to rotate wholly or partiallyto roll one's eyes to curl, cause to curl, or admit of being curled, so as to form a ball, tube, or cylinder; coil to make or form by shaping into a ball, tube, or cylinderto roll a cigarette (often foll by out) to spread or cause to spread out flat or smooth under or as if under a rollerto roll the lawn; to roll pastry to emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating soundthe thunder rolled continuously to trill or cause to be trilledto roll one's r's (intr) (of a vessel, aircraft, rocket, etc) to turn from side to side around the longitudinal axisCompare pitch 1 (def. 11), yaw (def. 1) to cause (an aircraft) to execute a roll or (of an aircraft) to execute a roll (sense 40)(of an aircraft) to execute or cause an aircraft to execute a roll (def. 41) (intr) to walk with a swaying gait, as when drunk; sway (intr often foll by over) (of an animal, esp a dog) to lie on its back and wriggle while kicking its legs in the air, without moving along (intr) to wallow or envelop oneself (in) (tr) to apply ink to (type, etc) with a roller or rollers to throw (dice) (intr) to operate or begin to operatethe presses rolled (intr) informal to make progress; move or go aheadlet the good times roll (tr) informal, mainly US and NZ to rob (a helpless person, such as someone drunk or asleep) (tr) slang to have sexual intercourse or foreplay with (a person) start the ball rolling or set the ball rolling to open or initiate (an action, discussion, movement, etc) nounthe act or an instance of rolling anything rolled up in a cylindrical forma roll of newspaper an official list or register, esp of namesan electoral roll a rounded massrolls of flesh a strip of material, esp leather, fitted with pockets or pouches for holding tools, toilet articles, needles and thread, etc a cylinder used to flatten something; roller a small loaf of bread for one person: eaten plain, with butter, or as a light meal when filled with meat, cheese, etc a flat pastry or cake rolled up with a meat (sausage roll), jam (jam roll), or other fillingSee also swiss roll a swell, ripple, or undulation on a surfacethe roll of the hills a swaying, rolling, or unsteady movement or gait a deep prolonged reverberating soundthe roll of thunder a rhythmic cadenced flow of words a trilling sound; trill a very rapid beating of the sticks on a drum a flight manoeuvre in which an aircraft makes one complete rotation about its longitudinal axis without loss of height or change in direction the angular displacement of a vessel, rocket, missile, etc, caused by rolling a throw of dice a bookbinder's tool having a brass wheel, used to impress a line or repeated pattern on the cover of a book slang an act of sexual intercourse or petting (esp in the phrase a roll in the hay) US slang an amount of money, esp a wad of paper money on a roll slang experiencing continued good luck or success strike off the roll or strike off the rolls
See also roll in, roll off, roll on, roll out, roll over, roll up Word Origin for rollC14 rollen, from Old French roler, from Latin rotulus a little wheel, from rota a wheel Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Idioms and Phrases with rollroll In addition to the idioms beginning with roll
also see:
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Words related to rollwhirl, revolution, run, undulation, reel, turn, twirl, gyration, rotation, spin, cycle, trundling, wheel, shell, cylinder, ball, convolution, bobbin, spiral, spool |
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