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[ ak-choo-al-i-tee ] / ˌæk tʃuˈæl ɪ ti / SEE SYNONYMS FOR actuality ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural ac·tu·al·i·ties.actual existence; reality. an actual condition or circumstance; fact: Space travel is now an actuality. Origin of actuality1350–1400; Middle English actualite<Medieval Latin āctuālitās.See actual, -ity OTHER WORDS FROM actualitynon·ac·tu·al·i·ty, noun, plural non·ac·tu·al·i·ties.Words nearby actualityactual bodily harm, actual cautery, actual cost, actualism, actualité, actuality, actualization, actualize, actually, actuals, actual sin Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for actualityIn actuality, there were less than 300 U.S. soldiers in the valley at any given time. Heart of Darkness: Into Afghanistan’s Taliban Valley|Matt Trevithick, Daniel Seckman|November 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST In actuality, an encounter with a goddess of the underworld is another step in the second cycle of the monomyth. The Walking Dead’s Luke Skywalker: Rick Grimes Is the Perfect Modern-Day Mythical Hero|Regina Lizik|October 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST But in actuality, the novel contains ample material that points to a real and specific time and place. This Week’s Hot Reads: April 14, 2014|Charles Shafaieh|April 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST To BE is to exist, to have actuality; a BI is a guy or girl with bisexuality. National Scrabble Day: A Poem So You’ll Know All 101 Two-Letter Words|David Bukszpan|April 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST
There is a need to humanize plans that work on paper, in the abstract, but lack touchy-feely elements in actuality. What the Stars Hold for Your Week|Starsky + Cox|July 30, 2011|DAILY BEAST The actuality of the sealing ordinance in marriage finds an illustration in the personal teachings of the Savior. The House of the Lord|James E. Talmage He went about absorbed in the interest and the actuality of this dream. The Rainbow|D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence It was so unreal, so dreamlike, that for many days I had trouble convincing myself of its actuality. Greener Than You Think|Ward Moore My people, who know nothing as a rule, of course—but they tell me the woman is in actuality the daughter of a queen. The Best Short Stories of 1921 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story|Various All objects of thought exist, either purely in potentiality, or purely in actuality, or both in potentiality and in actuality. Christianity and Greek Philosophy|Benjamin Franklin Cocker
British Dictionary definitions for actuality
noun plural -tiestrue existence; reality (sometimes plural) a fact or condition that is real Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to actualitysubstance, actualization, materiality, reality, attainment, fact, truth, materialization, achievement, substantiality, brass tacks, real world |