Now the team is searching for a head coach and facing a contract conundrum, heading into another offseason with the puzzle of salvaging the long-term compatibility of Simmons and Embiid and actualizing a championship around the star duo.
Can The Sixers Find A Way To Win It All With Embiid And Simmons?|James L. Jackson|September 28, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
The technology firm’s need to create a robust talent pipeline has actualized via their massive Snapchat success, connecting them to new graduates and university students from all parts of the globe.
How to plan your social media strategy for any business|Sumeet Anand|June 24, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Regardless of the obstacles in her path, she was tirelessly determined to actualize her vision for equality.
Libyan Activist Pays Tribute To Slain Spiritual Sister|Anonymous|June 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Zero Dark Thirty will be remembered as her personal journey and struggle to actualize what for so long seemed impossible.
From ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ to ‘Medal of Honor’ Video Game: The SEAL Team Six Gift Guide|Benjamin Schor|December 19, 2012|DAILY BEAST
He could thus prove line-rotation without even being able to actualize in his experience such a rotation.
The Mystery of Space|Robert T. Browne
There is no special corporeal potentiality (to speak in Aristotelian language) which it is destined to actualize.
Aristotle|George Grote
The Good, therefore, is not active; for what need to actualize would actualization have?
Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 2|Plotinos (Plotinus)
Not to actualize the idea of the Church, only to strive after its actualization, is the task of a religious communion.
The Catholic World; Volume I, Issues 1-6|E. Rameur
But none of us were prepared to actualize practically the ideal life of which we dreamed.