[ dih-liv -uh -ree ] SHOW IPA
noun, plural de·liv·er·ies. the carrying and turning over of letters, goods, etc., to a designated recipient or recipients.
a giving up or handing over; surrender.
the utterance or enunciation of words.
vocal and bodily behavior during the presentation of a speech: a speaker's fine delivery.
the act or manner of giving or sending forth: the pitcher's fine delivery of the ball.
the state of being delivered of or giving birth to a child; parturition.
something delivered: The delivery is late today.
Commerce . a shipment of goods from the seller to the buyer.
Law . a formal act performed to make a transfer of property legally effective: a delivery of deed.
Printing .Also called delivery end . the part of a printing press where the paper emerges in printed form.
Archaic . release or rescue; liberation; deliverance.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of delivery 1400–50; late Middle English delyvere, delyvery <Anglo-French delivrée, noun use of feminine past participle of delivrer to deliver, with suffix assimilated to -ery
OTHER WORDS FROM delivery mis·de·liv·er·y, noun, plural mis·de·liv·er·ies. non·de·liv·er·y, noun, plural non·de·liv·er·ies. post·de·liv·er·y, adjective pre·de·liv·er·y, noun, plural pre·de·liv·er·ies.
re·de·liv·er·y, noun, plural re·de·liv·er·ies.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for delivery The ground explodes and for us, the last troops left to finish out the war, we dodge the deliveries but understand the message.
Dodging Rockets in Afghanistan as the Taliban’s Fighting Season Begins | Nick Willard| May 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
A tiny fraction of $83 billion in liquor store revenue comes from deliveries.
Drizly Wants to Become “The Amazon.com for Alcohol" | Brian Ries| January 22, 2014| DAILY BEAST
We began to plan our first deliveries of medicine, water and first aid supplies.
How First Responders Respond | Kate Dischino| May 25, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The closure of the bridges meant the deliveries would have trouble reaching their destination.
New Yorkers Hold on to Their Canned Goods in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy | David Freedlander| October 31, 2012| DAILY BEAST
The deliveries depicted within Call the Midwife are bloody, breathtaking, and at times elegiac.
‘Call the Midwife’: Miranda Hart’s Chummy Browne Steals the Show | Jace Lacob| October 8, 2012| DAILY BEAST
The postage, of course, is the same for either district; but the difference lies in the number of deliveries.
Saunterings in and about London | Max Schlesinger
No change is needed in the form of record of receipts and deliveries.
Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration v. 2 | Various
Not the whole of these sums need be paid in cash, and the value of deliveries in kind is to be credited to Germany against them.
A Revision of the Treaty | John Maynard Keynes
All her deliveries had been remarkable for something or other.
A Family of Noblemen | Mikhal Saltykov
Deliveries of these kitchens eventually reached a rate of over 200 per day.
America's Munitions 1917-1918 | Benedict Crowell
British Dictionary definitions for delivery noun plural -eries the act of delivering or distributing goods, mail, etc something that is delivered (as modifier ) a delivery service the act of giving birth to a child she had an easy delivery
manner or style of utterance, esp in public speaking or recitation the chairman had a clear delivery
the act of giving or transferring or the state of being given or transferred
the act of rescuing or state of being rescued; liberation
sport the act or manner of bowling or throwing a ball the ball so delivered a fast delivery an actual or symbolic handing over of property, a deed, etc
the discharge rate of a compressor or pump
(in South Africa) the supply of basic services to communities deprived under apartheid
SEE MORE SEE LESS Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to delivery transmission, distribution, consignment, shipment, birth, release, drop, commitment, dispatch, conveyance, rendition, post, surrender, carting, portage, mailing, enunciation, diction, modulation, inflection
Medical definitions for delivery n. The expulsion or extraction of a child and the fetal membranes through the birth canal into the external world.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.